1 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES: Higher Education Management Programme
2 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Higher Education Management Programmes Scholarships for professional PhD and Master Courses Alumni programmes (data bases, conferences, summer schools, networks) Subject-related University Partnerships DAAD Group 43: Our Key Programmes Higher Education co-operation with developing countries
3 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 … at fostering the political debate about objectives, standards and results of higher education DIES Conferences … at presenting and discussing innovative good DIES Visits practices in higher education management … at supporting national initiatives to enhanceDIES Seminars quality assurance … at offering high level training opportunities DIES Diplomas … at discussing how to improve management strategies and structures of universities DIES Courses … at supporting regional quality assurance systemsDIES Projects … at encouraging institutional partnership and co-operation in university management DIES Partnerships DIES: A Joint Venture of HRK and DAAD aims
4 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Conferences: High Level International Fora DIES VII – Cairo, Egypt 2006 Quality and Research Management DIES III – Nairobi, Kenya 2003 Quality Assurance through Curriculum Design – a Case study of HE Management in East Africa“ DIES IV - Vina del Mar, Chile 2004 Responding to the Challenges of Markets, Internationalisation and Accountability DIES V - Berlin 2004 Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: A Challenge for Global Higher Education DIES VI - Bonn 2005 Cross-border Education and Development Co-operation
5 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Visits: Condensed Information for Leaders … informing about recent changes in German higher education … presenting good management practices at German universities … providing consultancy and expertise on a specific topic … meeting partners for future co- operation with Germany and Europe 2003 Afghanistan (Minister, 15 VCs) 2006 East Africa (33 VCs + DVCs) 2007 Central America (15 Rectors) DIES Group Visits for Leaders from Around the Globe aim at...
6 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Seminars: Enhancing Quality Assurance DIES Seminars for Decision Makers and Key University Managers support national initiatives to enhance Quality Assurance. e.g. Syria, Kazakhstan, Georgia Key features are:... to involve Universities AND Ministries of Higher Education... to bring together Decision Makers AND Practitioners... to bring in International AND National Experts... to invite participants from all parts of a country AND neighbouring countries... to combine key notes AND working groups... to offer one follow up event depending on the initiative of the partners
7 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Diploma: UNISTAFF Course for Innovators Objectives University staff development, management training Participants Principals and senior administrators - deans - advisors of rectors - evaluation and planning directors Main Regions Middle East - South East Asia - East Africa - Central America Modules Organisation Development - Teaching and Learning - Research Management - Projects - Building Partnerships: Meeting colleagues, Follow up, Alumni nets - 10 weeks in Germany - Workshops on spot Co-ordination Institute of Socio-Cultural Studies (ISOS), University of Kassel
8 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Courses: Learning from Good Practices The new DIES Courses focus on international Exchange of experience and practical learning from good practices in Higher Education Management.... Proposal Writing for International Mexico, C.America, East Africa, Research Projects 07: Syria/Egypt, Columbia, SE Asia... University Management CoursesIndonesia 07: Central America … International Deans ’ Course 07: Germany + East Africa … Professional Master ’ s Programme 07: Germany in Higher Education
9 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Projects: Quality Assurance Systems Objectives + Increasing relevance of study programmes + Establishing internationally credible quality assurance Approach + Regional sandwich training courses + National multiplication workshops + Consensus building conferences E.g.: Results Project Central America + regional university association CSUCA strengthened + 20 QA units established study programmes and 6 universities evaluated + Central American Accreditation Council (CCA) established + Regional agencies (Postgraduate – Engineers) established
10 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Partnerships: Sustainable Global Links... improving university management to increase international competitiveness, e.g. introducing quality assurance... improving overall teaching quality and provide incentives for internationalisation... providing professional training and international exchange opportunities to higher education senior staff... strengthening international network building (e.g. preparing TEMPUS)... improving international attractiveness of German Universities... preparing for trans-national education and double degrees
11 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Partnerships: Examples University of Cairo, Egypt, and University of Ulm... rectors and deans of informatics, natural sciences and engineering meet to discuss management strategies for professional training, applied research, distance teaching, and double degrees... various instruments to support improvement of teaching and learning University of Damascus, Syria and Humboldt University at Berlin... restructuring the international office of DU and connecting it to quality assurance... piloting self-evaluation and curriculum reform in the Faculty of Agriculture of DU
12 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Partnerships: Sustainable Global Links DIES Partnerships support from DAAD includes funding for travelling expenses (partially)... living expenses of foreign lecturers in Germany... experts for workshops... teaching materials... support staff for project management Maximum amount is Euro/a for 4 years (2 U) Euro (3 U) Prerequisite is... a formal partnership agreement between 2 or 3 universities
13 Christoph Hansert - Bonn, February 2007 DIES Information: Visit our Website Christoph Hansert University Management Divison Tel.: Fax: -662 BONN, GERMANY