RtI in the Secondary School Setting: Making it Work! Jennifer Maichin Whittney Smith


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Presentation transcript:

RtI in the Secondary School Setting: Making it Work! Jennifer Maichin Whittney Smith

Schedule for the Day AM: 8:30am – 12:00pm LUNCH12:00pm– 1230 pm PM: 12:30pm-2:00pm


* Includes Earth Science Results

Albert Einstein once said… “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

NYSED April 2008 State Education Department Field Memo  Authorizes the use of RtI in the State's criteria to determine learning disabilities (LD) and requires, effective July 1, 2012, that all school districts have an RtI program in place as part of the process to determine if a student in grades K-4 is a student with a learning disability in the area of reading. “Effective on or after July 1, 2012, a school district shall not use the severe discrepancy criteria to determine that a student in kindergarten through grade four has a learning disability in the area of reading.”  Authorizes the use of RtI in the State's criteria to determine learning disabilities (LD) and requires, effective July 1, 2012, that all school districts have an RtI program in place as part of the process to determine if a student in grades K-4 is a student with a learning disability in the area of reading. “Effective on or after July 1, 2012, a school district shall not use the severe discrepancy criteria to determine that a student in kindergarten through grade four has a learning disability in the area of reading.” [8 NYCRR section 200.4(j)]

Prior to the State’s Memo:  IDEA 2004: “…in determining whether a child has a specific learning disability, a local agency may use a process that determines if the child responds to scientific research-based intervention as part of the evaluation procedures…” (H.R. 1350, 2004, section 614 (b)(6)(A&B)) “…in determining whether a child has a specific learning disability, a local agency may use a process that determines if the child responds to scientific research-based intervention as part of the evaluation procedures…” (H.R. 1350, 2004, section 614 (b)(6)(A&B))

Scientifically researched interventions and instruction based on student need Decision making based on student’s growth and performance on achievement Intensity and duration of intervention based on student response RtI Resources for learning and development can be found at

Essential Components for Success High Quality Tier I Building and Classroom Instruction Ongoing Student Assessment Student and Family Involvement Research Based Tiered Instruction Building Wide Ownership

.. Study Skills Time Management Behavioral Family Reading Math Motivation Social

How we see RtI working: Tier III Tier II Tier I

Breaking Down the Tiers: Tier I Universal, School Wide Interventions What? “RtI teams” created to analyze data and target areas of need Academic Social/Emotional Behavior Who? Administrators Counselors Teachers Parents Students Support Staff How? Teams are provided with specific data and regular meetings are scheduled to analyze and target areas of need Timeline is established for completion and recommendations

Tier I: Data Analysis Universal / School Wide Screenings to determine areas of need Universal Benchmark Screening Data State Assessments Other available Standardized Test Scores Report Cards and Progress Reports Academic Behavioral Social Emotional Attendance Records Discipline Referrals Cumulative Files Nurse/Guidance Reports Surveys (

Sample Math State Analysis by Strand

Analysis of Student Bullying Survey Results Reveals majority of bullying occurs in the hallways during lunch periods Reveals girls are more likely to bully and feel bullied than boys Reveals Sample Outcomes of Data Analysis

Suggest creating common building wide format for answering extended response questions You Decide... Analysis of State and Standardized Test Scores Reveals students are performing lower than average on extended response questions Reveals students are generally performing lower than average in the probability strand on the Math Assessments Reveals students are performing lower than average on multiple choice questions involving inference Reveals students are generally performing lower than average on items requiring visual literacy (charts, graphs, political cartoons, etc.)

Analysis of general records, parent and student interviews, nurse records, attendance records Reveals large percentage of children are from divorced families Reveals higher frequency of nurse visits during PE periods Reveals increased level of alcohol consumption among student body Reveals greatly increased absences before vacation periods Reveals increased lateness among walkers compared to students who ride bus You Decide…

Additional Outcomes of Data Analysis  Building-Wide Code of Conduct  Professional Development on Differentiated Instruction  Common Quarterly Assessments (Subject area/grade level)  Common Formative Assessments  DIGS (Data Individualized Goal Setting)  Development of PLC’s  UCLA Model Classroom Walkthroughs  …

Tier I in the Classroom: Getting Stuck  Team suggests implementing evidence based strategies in the general education classrooms throughout the building.  Specific evidence based strategies are presented to teachers and references made available  6-8 weeks later, the team reconvenes to measure the effectiveness of the Tier I strategies…….

Tier I Strategy Development Teacher Ownership vs. “Buy In” Devote faculty meeting time RtI vs.“Wait to fail” IDEA Provide articles, PD, time for Q & A Educate List objectives from previous IST Meetings on chart paper (one per paper) Teachers work in groups to brainstorm strategies they use in their classrooms to Involve Attach strategies to research Compile into document Share strategies with faculty Use as resource of Tier I strategies at IST meetings Own See compilation of research based interventions oncompilation of research based interventions

Tiers II and III: Increased Intensity and/or Frequency Increased frequency of Progress Monitoring Small group differentiated instruction within general classroom and/or lunch, before or after school Self monitoring of skill/assessment progression Academic Behavioral Social Emotional Counseling Groups * socialization * divorce/separation * substance abuse * “girls group” Code of Conduct reinforcement Scheduled “Check Points” Peer mediation Positive reinforcement Plans Behavior Intervention Plans Increased parent involvement

Building Level Academic Support Master Schedule Changes (Individual Students may move between Tiers at any point in the year) 6 th Grade 7 th and 8 th Grade One period dedicated in schedule for intervention Double Period Math – Research Based Math Program Differentiated Instruction Double Period ELA --- Reading Teacher Push In Subject Specific Enrichment Uses research based methods to develop areas of weakness Uses curriculum as support Focus on individual areas of weakness Uses highly specific research based strategies and programs Tier I On Target Tier II AIS Math and/or AIS ELA Tier III AIS Math and/or AIS Reading (Comprehension and/or Wilson Groups)

Sample 8 th Grade Schedule Intervention Period

Visual Representation of Tiers II & III in 7 th and 8 th Grade 7 th Grade Period 4  Reading Tier III  Math Tier III  ELA Tier II  Math Tier II  On-Target  On-target  On-Target 4-6 students students 25 students 8 th Grade Period 5 8 th Grade Period 5  Reading Tier III  Math Tier III  ELA Tier II  Math Tier II  On-Target 4-6 students students 25 students Total = 189

Tier I - Universal Quality classroom instruction using research-based strategies with targeted students Tier II - Strategic Small Group (10-12 students) AIS Classes Benchmarking three times / year Tier III - Intensive Small group (4-6 students) AIS classes Progress Monitoring every 2-3 weeks At-Risk Student Teacher analyzes data, refers student to IST and moves student to Tier 2. Three data checks, regression/no progress IST Process On Target Student Teacher analyzes data and keeps student in Tier 1. Three data checks IST Process Regression /no progress, revise (repeat if not successful) --- consider referral to CSE Progress Continue with program IST Process Fluid Movement Through AIS Tiers See “AIS/IST Movement Plan”AIS/IST Movement Plan”

Tiers II and III Evidence - Based Academic Programs and Interventions Read 180 Wilson Phonetics Based Program “Just Words” Reading Program Common Skill - Specific Research Based Strategies (RAFT, Repeated Reading, STAR) Mathematics Navigator Program Bi-Monthly Progress Monitoring: Reading/Math See compilation of research based strategies atcompilation of research based strategies Monthly Strategic Monitoring: Reading/Math Individual Goal Setting and self- monitoring of progress and skill acquisition

Tiers II and III: Evidence Based Behavior Programs and Interventions Positive Reinforcement Plan (teachers can access and fill in plan on password protected shared intranet folders) Behavior Intervention Plan 1:1 Counseling Group Counseling Periodic scheduled “Check In’s” with Guidance Counselor Consultation with outside therapist See Sample Behavior PlanSample Behavior Plan

Monthly and/or biweekly Progress Monitoring (AIMSWeb)IST Process Scheduled Articulation Meetings (e.g. within and between grades) --- see “yearly meetings to be scheduled”see “yearly meetings to be scheduled” Increased self-monitoring and goal setting based on individual need Child Study Team/ Guidance Articulation / Code of Conduct Meetings

Tier III – Progress Monitoring (weekly / bi-monthly) Tier III – Strategic Monitoring (Monthly) Tier I – Universal Screening (Benchmarking 3x/year) AIMS Web Monitoring System Reading Reading MAZE MAZE Reading Curriculum Based Measurement (R-CBM) Reading Curriculum Based Measurement (R-CBM) Math Math All Facts Math Concepts and Applications (M-CAP ) See “AIMSWeb AIMSWeb Administration Schedule”

Sample AIMsWeb Data 8 th Grade Tier II AIS

Mathematics Navigator Tier III: Data Sabrina1 Place ValuePre60%27% Sabrina1 Place ValuePost87%Y Sabrina2 Knowing Addition and SubtractionPre62% Sabrina2 Knowing Addition and SubtractionPost87%Y Sabrina3 Understanding Addition and SubtractionPre73% x Sabrina3 Understanding Addition and SubtractionPost73%Y Sabrina4 Knowing Multiplication and DivisionPre70% Sabrina4 Knowing Multiplication and DivisionPost Sabrina5 Understanding MultiplicationPre Sabrina5 Understanding MultiplicationPost Sabrina6 Understanding DivisionPre Sabrina6 Understanding DivisionPost Sabrina7 MeasurementPre Sabrina7 MeasurementPost Sabrina8 Knowing FractionsPre Sabrina8 Knowing FractionsPost

Behavior Baseline Data

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. ~Buddhist Saying Part II: The IST

 “Without the right building-level leadership, RtI will not realize the potential it has in fundamentally altering for the better both the delivery system and educational practice in our schools.” Dr. David P. Prasse, Professor and Dean of the School of Education, Loyola University Chicago

Creating a High Performing IST Creating a High Performing IST Core Team : IST Chairperson IST Chairperson Guidance Counselor Guidance Counselor Speech Therapist Speech Therapist School Psychologist School Psychologist Invited Members: ParentParent Student (when appropriate)Student (when appropriate) All teachers on student’s scheduleAll teachers on student’s schedule Reading/Math Instructional Leader (when appropriate)Reading/Math Instructional Leader (when appropriate) Social Worker (when appropriate)Social Worker (when appropriate) Nurse (when appropriate)Nurse (when appropriate) Administration (when appropriate)Administration (when appropriate)

Creating a Solid IST Process See “Mineola Middle School IST Protocol: Initial Referral and Follow Up Meetings” Roles and Responsibilities Forms and Documents Clear Timeline Clear and Specific Protocols

Continuous Improvement  Constant open discussion (What is working? What isn’t?)  Two-way feedback  Incorporate technology (Outlook, Shared Folders etc.)  Develop and Update Training Manuals as necessary  Establish AIMSWeb testing schedule prior to start of school year  Established schedule for articulation meetings to discuss data prior to start of school year  Update and revise Protocols and Task Lists and Forms as necessary  Continuous Research and Development of Interventions


RtI Resources/Links      