+ PG Diploma / MEd Deaf Education Heads of Service Forum Meeting
+ Overview of PG Diploma Sources of Knowledge 10 credits £320 Language and Communication 20 credits £640 Deaf Studies 10 credits £320 Collaborative Working 20 credits £640 Promoting Access to Curriculum and Assessment 20 credits £640 Audiology and Audiometry 20 credits £640 Placement 20 credits £850 Total fees: £4,050
+ Sources of Knowledge – 10 credits Completely online course Runs every year in Semester One Introduces students to reading academic articles critically Improves students’ critical thinking skills Website has video lectures – with subtitles Weekly readings Discussion boards Students enjoy it Tutor: Rachel O’Neill
+ Language and Communication – 20 credits 5 days at Moray House in Jan / Feb 2013, 2 blocks Runs every two years STASS booklet sent to all students this term to prepare Focus on the early years Using ELAN software to analyse clips of deaf children interacting with parents Introduction to the monitoring protocol Understanding of early BSL development too Tutor is Rachel O’Neill and visiting speakers
+ Deaf Studies 3 days at Moray House, Semester 1, Runs every 2 years Introduces students to ideas about d/Deaf identity, communities and organisations Tutor is Dr Audrey Cameron, plus invited speakers Very positive feedback from students
+ Collaborative Working Runs every Semester One Blended learning approach, 8 weeks of 3 hours per week on campus in the evening However, students have done it all online apart from first session Online video lectures and weekly readings Students find it challenging but interesting Tutors are Prof. John Davis and Dr John Ravenscroft
+ Promoting Access to Curriculum and Assessment Runs every 2 years in Semester 2 Next time will be Jan 2013 Tutors are Dr Andy Hancock and Rachel O’Neill Students include EAL teachers because of shared interest in providing language support Online videos and some separate sessions focus on particular strategies used in deaf education e.g. notetaking and interpreting Students enjoyed analysing and modifying the language of handouts and textbooks
+ Audiology and Audiometry First course this year and runs every two years Tutors are educational audiologists: Joe O’Donnell and Brian Shannan Revised audiology log: 50% of the course marks Support needed in workplace to complete the log Aim is to help ToDs to make good contacts with audiology and be prepared to continue to learn throughout their career Current issues will be debated: e.g. FM system with bilateral implants
+ Placement First placement 4 weeks full time in own workplace with 2 university tutor visits Usually half way through the course Second placement 3 weeks full time in a different setting with 1 university tutor visit Aim to have 70% of usual timetable Tutors are Mary Dowell, Eileen Burns, Brian Shannan and Margaret Kinsman
+ Placement Mentor role is crucial Placement handbook – update available September We aim to have critical commentaries rather than too many lesson plans Shadowing opportunities and visits are important part of external placement Pre-visit important so service can decide whether they want this student Negotiate time to suit your service Students really integrate their learning on the external placement
+ M.Ed Additional 60 credits Fees £1, credits is a proposal, supported by online course Students with A to C grades on Diploma accepted Student negotiates title Regular supervisions with Rachel Access to Prof. Marc Marschark to discuss ideas and international contacts Useful development for experienced ToDs
+ Talk to me about possible students Advance notice is useful Applicants still being accepted for this year PG Diploma can be done in 2 years Students often prefer 2.5 years Masters is usually 2 years part time Video of 5 days is possible for distant students Dual qualified deaf education / VI is becoming more common Tel