Report on FOMMS 2012 Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation Conference July 22-26, 2012 The Resort at Mt. Hood, Oregon
2 Organizers Chair: Edward Maginn (Notre Dame) Co-chairs: Kristen Fichthorn (Penn State) Ilja Siepmann (Minnesota) Senior advisors: Peter Cummings (Vanderbilt) Joe Golab (INEOS) Sharon Glotzer (Michigan) Clare McCabe (Vanderbilt) Conference secretary: Jonathan Moore (Dow)
131 participants from 10 countries USA (97) Netherlands (8) Germany (7) Japan (5) UK (4) India (3) Italy (3) France (2) Czech Republic (1) Korea (1) Industry (20) National / Government Labs (10) Conference statistics
4 Format 17 plenary talks + FOMMS Medal lecture 99 posters over two days Two workshops Molecular modeling tools Validation of simulations Social / networking time Opening reception Closing banquet Evening hospitality suites Afternoon outing
Survey comments Very positive response from participants Location Satisfaction Speakers Format “Excellent conference. Great value” “It more than met my expectations” “Definitely worth my time and money” “Made new contacts” 5 All scores 6 or higher on scale of 1-7
6 Sponsors
Budget 7 Income Expense BudgetActualBudgetActual Conference Registration - $50,464 Conference support $15,000 Conference Meal plans NSF $33,000 Total Income $- $98,464 Conference Organizer fees 16,000 Conference Organizer reimbursment - $1,544 Conference Misc. $4,701 Travel(speakers/faculty/students) $21,940 Reception $50,111 Secretarial Assistance-Main Office - $120 Accounting/Bookkeeping - $155 triumph expo events, poster board - $3,200 MasterCard/Visa Fees - $717 Total Expense $98,489 Net Income/(Expense) $(25) Procter & Gamble Co. = $5000, Accelrys Inc. = $2500, Culgi, Netherlands = $2500, Materials Design, Inc. = $2500 Scienomics, llc = $2500
Future emphasis / improvements Try to engage software vendors more Start fundraising earlier A/V was a problem the entire meeting Continue to engage industry Graduate student / postdoc fellowships worked very well Would companies consider sponsoring students? 8
9 FOMMS 2015 – Dave Kofke Randy Snurr, Northwestern (chair) Claire Adjiman, Imperial College (co-chair) Dave Kofke, Buffalo (co-chair) Tentative location: Resort at Mt Hood Likely date: Late July, 2015