National Health Service By Takuya Iiyama and Koichiro Gaedgens YOUR HEALTH, YOUR CHOICES
CONTENTS What is it? Public Policy issue Decision Makers Stakeholders Our thoughts Modern Issue
NHS - Intro Launched in 1948 World’s largest publicly funded health service This goal is good healthcare available to all in UK regardless of wealth Free for any UK residents Basically, hospital services such as eye care and dentist
Structure - NHS Two Sections: Primary and Secondary Primary = common, Secondary = emergency
Effectiveness of NHS
Equality Act 2010 Established on October 1 st, 2010 This was primarily Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995 with same goal. Aim: eliminating discrimination and reducing inequalities in any care such as health
Protected Characteristics These are eight sections that discrimination is prohibited: – Sex -Disability – Religion -Race – Pregnancy/Maternity -Age – Marital/civil partnership -Sexual Orientation
Decision Makers NHS workers Government/Parliament in UK – Minister of Crown: this person needs when they have to decide which person is being discriminated or unequally treated
Consultation The total number of consultation 2012 was 157. Out of this 59 were from individuals 1 from the President and Regional Employment Judges of Employment Tribunals in England and Wales 95 from organization 2 from anonymous responses 1948 The NHS was inaugurated by the Labour Party
Effected People Citizens, Medical personnel – National Health System basically affects the Nation. – Even a student can utilize on this system if he or she has a visa which says that you can stay longer than 6. – So this National Health System, you have a choice between paying everything privately or you gonna use this NHS. 0% or 100% you just have these two choices. – But the quality doesn't change really big. For using NHS you need to wait a hole lot of time and who doesn't want to wait can pay it privately, but most of the time the dr. are just part time people so you don't really get a good examination. – So in the UK. You have 46 thousand people who are waiting more than one year for a surgery – 16 weeks to have a check up from a doctor.
Our Opinion Takuya: This act is quite effective to all of citizens in UK because compared to past, everyone has more open minded heart, so they are all trying to be fair and equal. But, not completely possible because discrimination cannot be gone, if they are all humans. Koichiro: For my opinion this NHS system is good for jobless or less payed people, but still you need to wait a whole lot of time. So I would say that the government should make people pay and rise the quality of medication. In Japan the doctors have their specialize parts like lungs or brain etc... but in the UK. The doctors are kind of a all rounder so that they have a huge knowledge but no one for specific surgeries.
Current Challenges NHS workers had to be physically fitter and more active until 2012 Olympic Games – “Exercise is linked to satisfaction with life and reduces the risk of physical ill-health, and our analysis suggests that those who consider themselves to be healthy are less likely to be off sick or to be at work when they are unfit'‘ (by Dr. Steve Boorman)
QUESTION TIME!! Opinion Based Question 1) What do you think about Equality Act 2010? 2) After listening to our presentation would you like to move to the UK?
Website Equality and diversity in the NHS, NHS choices. September, Retrieved on October 24, 2012 from diversity/Pages/equality-and-diversity-in-the-NHS.aspx diversity/Pages/equality-and-diversity-in-the-NHS.aspx NHS 2012 Sport & Physical Activity Challenge, Staying Healthy at Work. July, Retrieved on October 24, 2012 from Challenge.aspx Challenge.aspx About the NHS, NHS choices. October, Retrieved on Octover 24, 2012 from px px