Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Norman Paskin The International DOI Foundation doi>
Oct 13, 1999DOI2 Outline Summary update on the year Applications: a framework Applications development - Demo of DOI-X application Scaling up Outlook
Oct 13, 1999DOI3 Main activities of the last year Metadata framework –enables more sophisticated applications Applications using this framework Registration agencies needed basis of these to be worked out first (now done).
4 Standards tracking Standards tracking Further development Further development Current implementation Current implementation Three tracks of DOI development Single URN Metadata Other initiativesMultiple resolution
Oct 13, 1999DOI5 doi>
Oct 13, 1999DOI6 Web Browser User URL “404 not found” 1. URL is not a persistent identifier - it refers to Location, not content URL ? 2. Same content at two different URLs has two different identifiers - cannot use as common reference “...has moved to…”
Oct 13, 1999DOI7 URL Resolution Web Browser User 1. DOI is a persistent identifier URL Resolution Current implementation 2. DOI identifies the content, irrespective of the location (URN) doi> /123
Oct 13, 1999DOI8 Web Browser User etc. URL URL2 Service 1 Service 2 Actionable identifier Multiple Resolution Further development - future implementations Links to any service doi> /123
Oct 13, 1999DOI9 The framework for applications: metadata doi>
Oct 13, 1999DOI10 Why metadata with DOIs? a prerequisite of applications other than simple routing to one URL
Oct 13, 1999DOI11 Web Browser User etc. URL URL2 Service 1 Service 2 Actionable identifier Resolution Specified via metadata doi> /123
Oct 13, 1999DOI12 Why metadata with DOIs? a prerequisite of applications other than simple routing to one URL e.g. go to “appropriate” copy –local copy; choose alternative source e.g. “transact this item”; services about the item makes DOI an “actionable identifier” = identifier + resolution + supporting data access enables more complex applications than one URN
Oct 13, 1999DOI13 DOI metadata requirements “Resource description” (any “Creation”) and Rights description (transactions, services) Use existing systems (identifiers, data) –Do not reinvent the wheel No ambiguity (“well- formed”); automation
14 EC info 2000 –50% funding Book industry standards EDItEUR Record industry IFPI Multimedia rights Kopiosto, Finland CAL, Australia CEDAR, Netherlands Music rights MCPS/PRS, UK Audiovisual rights SACD, France Literary rights ALCS, UK Visual rights BILD-KUNST, Germany Database provider Muze Inc/Ltd, US/UK DOI International DOI Foundation Text sector IPA, STM, FEP ISBN, ISSN Copyright sector CISAC, IFRRO US Copyright Office Music sector RIAA, ICMP, IPD, RICI Audiovisual sector SMPTE, BBC Libraries IFLA/UBCIM, LC International WIPO
15 Metadata framework Generic for all types of content –convergence renders differentiation meaningless Focus is intellectual property management –but does not force one specific model of management Enabling, not replacing, other schemes –creating an interface Broad in scope –identification, description, transaction Based on tested “real world” models –CIS; IFLA
Practical way forward a powerful analysis tool –e.g. one work/several formats (relationships) practical results –e.g. EPICS (Editeur Product Information Communication Standard) (EDI, book trade etc) –XML/RDF expressions –common data dictionaries etc. indecs results at end of 1999 –but used as a basis by IDF since early 1999
17 Generic Data Model Local maps Nov Feb RDF/XML Interchange NovFeb Commerce Data Dictionary Legal Data Dictionary Proposal Rights Transaction Model Directory of Parties Proposal Nov Feb Nov
18 Generic Data Model Local maps Nov Feb RDF/XML Interchange NovFeb Commerce Data Dictionary Rights Transaction Model Nov Feb
Oct 13, 1999DOI19 DOI framework for applications Small set of “kernel” data for each DOI –Depending on intellectual property type –But interoperable (underlying data model) –Minimal data, probably common Define “genres” to describe each intellectual property type –e.g. journal article We need to publish improved explanations
Oct 13, 1999DOI20 Applications doi>
Applications (1) Seeking further applications - generic, interoperable Developing more sophisticated tools metadata framework multiple resolution possibilities DOI already in use : current implementation e.g. American Chemical Society: DOI as common identifier for a work, page offers delivery options (formats etc)
Oct 13, 1999DOI22 Applications (2) Initial application prototypes –paving way in generic issues and applications –supporting data (metadata) structure Mix of development by IDF and encouraging others Aim: - application development outside IDF - IDF providing generic framework
23 Applications (3) Persistent linking –“DOI-X” project, 1999 (more on this later) Workflow implementation tools –RCP’s “Lynkbase” announced Rights management –“Frankfurt Virtual” announced; –DOI-R experiment being launched Others, e.g. –Document delivery (UK), Libronix Digital Library…etc
Oct 13, 1999DOI24 The “DOI-X” prototype Prototype a first application: ref-linking between documents In so doing, deal with: –metadata into workflow issues –metadata framework issues
Oct 13, 1999DOI25 The “DOI-X” prototype Prototype a first application: ref-linking between documents In so doing, deal with: –metadata into workflow issues –metadata framework issues Aim of this application: persistent linkage –STM publishing as an example, but wide potential application (any hyperlink)
Oct 13, 1999DOI26
Oct 13, 1999DOI27 Scaling up doi>
Oct 13, 1999DOI28 DOI infrastructure Economic Information management Technical WWW, Resolution Metadata Agencies, policies
29 DOI Design principles (1) Global, interoperable –applicable to any “Creation” Used by anyone (not only publisher) –actionable identifier Integrated with existing or developing standards - technical: W3C; IETF; ISO, NISO, etc - information architecture: INDECS, etc
Oct 13, 1999DOI30 DOI Design principles (2) “Federal”: users of the system make decisions at the lowest appropriate level
Oct 13, 1999DOI31 Example of “federal” principle: DOI / DOI numbering system /123
Oct 13, 1999DOI32 DOI Design principles (2) “Federal”: users of the system to make decisions at the lowest appropriate level - Information management architecture Prefix namespace, metadata schemes - Resolution technical infrastructure - Economic model Governance layer ensures interoperability
Oct 13, 1999DOI33 DOI implemented DOI adds value but incurs costs: Number registration –validation, maintenance, metadata, guidance Infrastructure –resolution service, scaling, development Governance –rules, further development
Oct 13, 1999DOI34 DOI implemented (2) DOI system to be self-financing Funded by registrants not end users – currently: $1000 one-off charge for prefix Aim to move to more flexible schemes – Federal model allows this per sector etc. – Registration agencies Investigation and plan
35 Registration agencies IDF to provide governance layer only –Ideally funded by federation of agencies IDF sets out minimum criteria for participation: –technical; information management; $ Does not prescribe details of individual businesses Comparable models we are examining: –ISBN; EAN/UPC; Visa; etc.
RA 0RA 1RA 2RA 3 IP 1 IP 2 IP 3 IP 4 IP 5 IP 6 Site 1Site 2Site 3Site 4Site 5 IDF minimal common agreements DOI resolution Service integrity Orphans Type Registries Policies e.g. Archiving? RA layer Registration Services MD Collection Provision to VAS etc. IP owners VAS
Oct 13, 1999DOI37 DOI operational roles IP owners: register DOIs with agency
Oct 13, 1999DOI38 DOI operational roles Registration agency: - agreements with IP owners* - registration with DOI system (IDF terms) - metadata collection /added value* - provision of, or to, Value Added Services by agreement*, etc * specific to each RA
Oct 13, 1999DOI39 DOI operational roles IDF: minimal common agreements - DOI resolution service - service integrity - Data Type Registries - Policies e.g. archiving, testing, etc
Oct 13, 1999DOI40 Next steps: the future doi>
Oct 13, 1999DOI41 Three next steps Clearly articulated aims –how identifiers + metadata form a basis for commerce (actionable identifiers): vision Actions to implement this –DOI metadata registries –tools e.g. multiple resolution (Handle) –Registration agencies Finance activities to retain momentum
Oct 13, 1999DOI42 Identifiers and metadata as the basis for E-Commerce of copyright “Names Numbers and Networks” conference –Nov 15, Washington; –indecs/ Library of Congress/ US Copyright Office Proposed joint committee to take forward all work done so far (IDF participating) –Commerce and Legal Data dictionaries, etc. Implementations in 1999/2000
Oct 13, 1999DOI43 Registration agencies “Federal model” to be basis Publish draft minimal requirements for: –technical requirements –information management –infrastructure (governance) support Invite interested parties to work with us –members; PA’s via IPA; non-members –workshops and 1:1
Oct 13, 1999DOI44 Financing the future 33 member organisations supported us since launch; only a few not continuing No active recruitment since 1998 Now starting next round of support requests –better, faster, explanations, guidelines, etc –faster implementations
45 Our thanks to members 1998/1999 Academic Press/Harcourt Addison Wesley American Chemical Society American Mathematical Society Association of American Publishers Association for Computing Machinery Associazione Italiana Editori Authors Licensing and Collecting Society Blackwell Science Bokforlaget Natur Och Kultur Copyright Clearance Center EDP Sciences Elsevier Science European Music Rights Alliance Houghton Mifflin IEEE International Publishers Association ISI ISBN International John Wiley & Sons Kluwer Academic Microsoft National Music Publishers Association New England Journal of Medicine OCLC Publishers Licensing Society RCP Consultants SilverPlatter Information Springer Verlag STM Association Thomson Labs Xerox
Oct 13, 1999DOI46 Summary of this presentation as handout IDF “Annual Review” has more details Includes “DOI: Current Status and outlook” – Annual Review also available online : –DOI web site – –DOI: /155 Further information
Oct 13, 1999DOI47 Further information doi>