University Internationalization and International Academic Cooperation -Trend with Faculty and Funding Nov 3 2009 Erasmus Mundus Info Event Mami Oyama.


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Presentation transcript:

University Internationalization and International Academic Cooperation -Trend with Faculty and Funding Nov Erasmus Mundus Info Event Mami Oyama Director of International Program Department Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

1994: 1,750,000 persons 2004: 2,500,000 persons 40%Up The number of college students exchanged

Ⅰ University Education in Global Society Ⅱ International Academic Cooperation in New Era Ⅲ Conclusion Presentation Outline

Ⅰ University Education in Global Society

17,926 22,798 26,893 32,609 39,258 79,455 22,154 25,643 31,251 41,347 45,066 51,298 55,755 64,011 95, , ,302 18,066 51,295 55,145 74,551 78,151 15,246 14,297 15,335 15,485 59,468 59,460 62,324 64,284 75,586 76,464 82, ,498(08’) 121,812 53,847 53,787 18,631 15,009 12,410 10,428 48,561 52,405 52,921 51,047 78, , ,000 40,000 60,000 80, , , Number of Japanese students abroad Number of international students in Japan students 118,498 Transition of International Student Exchange

Total:123, (0.4%) 1.088(0.8%) 2,343(1.9%) 114,189 (92.2%) 842(0.7%) 1,084(0.9%) 3,819(3.1%) North America South America Oceania Asia Middle and Near East Africa Europe Number of International Students to Japan by Region

Total:80,023 4,296(5.4%) 17 40,462(50.6%) 22,569(28.2%) 16 12,663(15.8%) Europe Middle and Near East Africa Asia Oceania North America South America Number of Japanese Students Going Abroad by Region

An unbalance exists between Japanese students going to study in the Europe vis-à-vis students from your countries coming to study in Japan. The same happens for young researchers. Common Issue about the Student Exchange

○ Receive 300,000 overseas students in Japan by 2020 ○ Raise international competitiveness of Japanese universities’ education and research in order to strategically attract excellent overseas students ○ Implement Plan via linkage among related ministries and agencies Points Measures 300,000 International Students Plan 1. Proactively invite overseas students to Japan 2. Improve entrance exam, enrollment and visa procedures 3. Advance globalization of universities 4. Improve living environment for overseas students 5. Improve post-graduation/course completion services

Select universities to become internationalization hubs that provide high-quality education/research programs and offer easily adaptable environment for overseas students FY2009 budget: JPY4.1 billion/ USD 41 million/ EUR 31 million - Create systems for providing English instruction - Improve systems for receiving overseas students - Advance strategic international collaborations ・ Foster young people who will play active roles in global society ・ Strengthen and contribute to raising the international competitiveness of Japanese universities Anticipated results Select 13 universities in first fiscal year Target Universities Contents Global 30

JSPS Japanese Universities Organizational support to Young Researchers A Univ. D Company C Research Institution B Univ. select/support (Up to \20 million (US$200,000) a year per project x 5 years) Overseas Partner Institutions select/suppor t Overseas Funding Agencies Overseas Funding Agencies 11 International Training Program(ITP) ・ Joint research projects ・ Educational programs ・ Internships ・ Information exchange ・ Multi-funding

JSPS - Provide advice to pilot universities ( Analyze activities, Extract good practices ) -Develop strategic models for university internationalization - Disseminate good practices to other universities 12 - Program launched in 2005 by MEXT - Project duration: 5 years ( JPY10-40 million per year/ USD million ) 20 Pilot Universities Advance institution-wide international activities by strengthening the functions of their “international strategy headquarters” MEXT Fund -Select Universities -Evaluate Projects Fund Support Strategic Fund for Establishing International Headquarters in Universities

Ⅱ International Academic Cooperation in New Era

Joint Research Projects Scientific Seminars Scientist Exchanges Joint Staff Meetings and/or routine communications JSPS Counterpart Agency MoU Japanese Researchers Overseas Researchers Overseas Researchers Proposal Support Proposal Support 86 agencies in 44 countries 14 JSPS’s International Programs (1) Bilateral Cooperation Based on MoUs

15 Number of Researchers Exchanged France 2.Germany 3.UK 1.France 2.Germany 3.UK

 Reconsider boundaries between disciplines  Cultivate new frontiers of research  Foster future research leaders JSPS Partner Organization Planning Group Members FoS Symposium Agreement  basic areas  Cutting-edge session topics  Interdisciplinary discussion  Lodging together for 3 days National Academy of Sciences (2001-) Alexander von Humboldt- Foundation (2004-) MESR, MAEE, CNRS (2006-) OBJECTIVE Royal Society (only in 2008) 16 (2) Frontiers of Science(FoS) Symposiums

 Promote International Collaboration in Cutting-Edge Fields  Create World-Class Research Hubs  Foster Young Researchers OBJECTIVE FUNDING/PROJECT USD100, ,000 / yr x 2-5 yrs Cooperating Institutions Core Institution Partner Country (A) Japan Partner Country(B) Mutual support JSPS Partner Agency 17 Joint Research/Seminar Scientist Exchanges (3)JSPS Core-to-Core Program (since 2003)

(4)Creating Research Hubs with Asian Countries ○ Asian CORE Program ○ Asia-Africa Science Platform Program ○ A3 Foresight Program Building Asian research hubs based on equal partnership -conducting world-class research, fostering new generation of talented young scientists Japanese research institutions take the lead in building research hubs and fostering young researchers. JSPS,NSFC,NRF work as a consortium in supporting trilateral research projects with an aim to establishing a top-level research hubs in Asia.

( 5 ) HOPE Meetings- Art in Science - 2 nd HOPE Meeting September 2009 in Hakone, Japan Subjected Field: Chemistry (or related physics, biology and other fields) Organized by Dr. Ryoji Noyori (2002 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry) 2 nd HOPE Meeting September 2009 in Hakone, Japan Subjected Field: Chemistry (or related physics, biology and other fields) Organized by Dr. Ryoji Noyori (2002 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry) Nobel Lecturers Dr. Ryoji NOYORI, Dr. Peter AGRE, Dr. Leo ESAKI, Dr. Makoto KOBAYASHI, Dr. Yuan Tseh LEE, Dr. Koichi TANAKA, Dr. Susumu TONEGAWA Nobel Lecturers Dr. Ryoji NOYORI, Dr. Peter AGRE, Dr. Leo ESAKI, Dr. Makoto KOBAYASHI, Dr. Yuan Tseh LEE, Dr. Koichi TANAKA, Dr. Susumu TONEGAWA Foster talented young researchers in Asia-Pacific region Invite about 100 PhD students to interact with lecturers including Nobel laureates

(6) ASIA Horcs Meeting ASIAHORCs Meetings 2 nd ASIAHORCs Meeting (November 2008 in Tokyo) 2 nd ASIAHORCs Meeting (November 2008 in Tokyo) Participating Countries Participating Countries: China (NSFC)Korea (KOSEF) Indonesia (LIPI)India (DST) Malaysia (VCC) Philippines (DOST) Singapore (A*STAR) Thailand (NRCT) Vietnam (VAST) Japan (JSPS) 2 nd ASIAHORCs Meeting (November 2008 in Tokyo) 2 nd ASIAHORCs Meeting (November 2008 in Tokyo) Participating Countries Participating Countries: China (NSFC)Korea (KOSEF) Indonesia (LIPI)India (DST) Malaysia (VCC) Philippines (DOST) Singapore (A*STAR) Thailand (NRCT) Vietnam (VAST) Japan (JSPS) Keynote Lecture “From My Experience” by Dr. Makoto Kobayashi (2008 Nobel Laureate in Physics) Principal Achievements International joint symposium to be organized by JSPS Consideration on membership expansion (Australia, Bangladesh, New Zealand) Leaders of major funding institutions in Asia gather to exchange views and information on S&T policy, research funding, and international cooperation 3 rd Meeting to be held in Korea Presentations & Discussions Current status, challenges and new proposals for multilateral collaborative research in the Asian region

Ⅲ Conclusion

Based on Bilateral cooperation, promoting Multilateral cooperation 1 Regional Cooperation between Asia and EU through Various Programs in Japan and Erasmus Mundus 2 Expectation to Concluding the Agreement Between the Government of Japan and EU on Cooperation in Science and Technology 3 Conclusion Future Prospect