European Standards and Guidelines: the UK context Fiona Crozier Assistant Director Development & Enhancement


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Presentation transcript:

European Standards and Guidelines: the UK context Fiona Crozier Assistant Director Development & Enhancement

Introduction Context Impact of the ESG on UK QA Impact on UK HE sector focus on internal Impact on QAA & external QA

Context The academic infrastructure (AI) -Code of Practice (CoP) -Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) -Subject benchmark statements (SBS) -Programme Specifications (PSs) Why have we got it? How was it developed? How does it work? Not compliance!

How does the ESG relate to the UK context? The sector is used to the idea of reference points Internal QA External QA So far, so good?

The ESG & QAA Understanding and promotion Revisions to various parts of AI Increase in overseas collaboration, eg. Erasmus Mundus, Joint Masters Impact of ignoring ESG when revising AI: Development of new processes

The ESG and UK HE Sector Need to understand what the ESG are and how they impact on internal and external QA Understand how the ESG can help in developing new and maintaining existing European partnerships Understand that the ESG represent a set of reference points at the European level Understand their relationship to the UK AI – need to understand their context

Conclusion The ESG could help the UK to further understand and engage with HE in Europe EHEA / Bologna Process / Collaborative Partnerships etc.