ASP Readiness Kétévi A. Assamagan
Students We have 69 students – 10 declinations – 1 never replied We have now 58 students – ~50% French speaking Most International students would be arriving on August 3, and departing on August 23 – ICTP will provide the details of arrivals/departures for airport pickups – There could be a few arrivals on the 2 nd and a few departures on the 24 th Students from Senegal but not from Dakar – Special arrangements for their journeys to/from Dakar Travel insurance coverage for international students – Hospitalization, emergencies and repatriation – We need to look into this Visa issues – A few students have problem applying for the visa: no Senegalese embassy in their company, and do not have credit card to pay online – Special arrangement to get the visa on arrival Collection of students on arrivals – We have the arrival and departure details of the students to arrange this Student Poster Session on August 16 during the outreach day – Logistics: the stands – Most students will come with their poster ready. But we need to reprint some – Need 3 lecturers to volunteer to evaluate the posters and select the 3 best posters. If interested, let me know Dietary restrictions – Collecting this information to be passed to the caterer 2
Students Accommodation The University Guest Houses will cover 56 students – 52 rooms of which 4 can be fitted with 1 extra bed (need to buy the 4 extra beds) 2 Students must be lodged outside the university – Residence les Arcanes (4) – Residence Lucienne (4) – Or keep les Arcanes no need for extra beds – but too much fragmentations of the students We have not yet discussed the assignment of students to the different locations – To do before student arrivals – Local students from Dakar also to be housed with the international students 3
Lectures - synergy We want to avoid duplications or large overlaps of lecture materials – Meeting yesterday, organized by Heather. See the agenda – Please fill in the google doc about the scope of your lecture kTo2fFmYuLVYvwISkInSCNgsExzhpENhVxCFDO88/edit kTo2fFmYuLVYvwISkInSCNgsExzhpENhVxCFDO88/edit – Please take a look at the school agenda In case of potential overlap between your lectures and others – Please connect directly with your colleagues – Please discuss and agree on how to minimize overlaps Level of students – From 3 rd year of university to Ph.D. Backgrounds of students also vary – From theoretical/applied/experimental - particle physics, nuclear physics material sciences, optics, computing, nuclear medicine, general physics Please keep your lectures simple – Water them down to the levels of the students Language – English – Expect some students to struggle in English – Expect some fluent in French – OK to explain things in French if you can and when necessary 4
Opening function / outreach event Opening function – August 3 at 16:00. Meet with the students – Catering – Agenda Outreach event – Starting at 14:00 on August 16 – Confirmation from Senegalese local and central government – Catering for this event – The following international guests have confirmed the participation: H. Winick (SLAC), S. Connell (U. of Johannesburg), R. Voss (CERN External Relations), J. Mwabora (HoD Physics Dept. University of Nairobi, Kenya), M. Nxumalo (NRF External Relations, SA), J. Senona (African Bilateral Cooperation, DST, SA), H. Toure (Secretary General, ITU) – Catering – Agenda 5
Excursion to Bandia National Park All day on Saturday August 9 Guide/Places-To-Visit/Bandia-Nature- Reserve.aspx Guide/Places-To-Visit/Bandia-Nature- Reserve.aspx To converge on the details Estimated total head counts – 59 students + 10 lecturers + 6 locals = 75 people Transportation 6
Payment for some Services 50% of the student accommodation costs have been paid to UCAD – Rest to be paid towards the end of the school 80% of the student catering costs have to paid to the service provider – The rest to be paid at the end of the school To check with the providers of services – That payments properly credited 7
Changes in the agenda Lectures on “Rare Isotope Accelerators” on August 20&21 cancelled I propose to use the time slots for discussion sessions in Week3 I propose the following changes in the agenda – Move the lecture of “Neutron sources” to August 20 at 16: – Have the discussion session on August 21 at 9:00-10: