Discovery tools and research assessment solutions APRIL 2012 Shahrooz Sharifrazy Regional Sales Manager
Thomson Reuters: Supporting the entire academic enterprise
Over 50 Years Of Experience In Citation Indexing, Analysis, And Metrics In 1955, Dr. Eugene Garfield revolutionized research with his concept of citation indexing and searching, giving birth to the Science Citation Index ® Web of Science is the largest citation database with over 800 million cited references from 1900 to 2010 Thomson Reuters introduced the first ever research evaluation tool on the Web
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Cover to cover indexing of all Journals All cited references, back to 1900 ( > 700 million searchable cited references) Indexing of 100% of available cited references ( enables to perform analyses on literature that is not indexed) The largest citation database available Web of Science – key benefits Authority Diversity Depth & Consistency Quality Data Discovery Tools Science Citation Index 7,890 Titles SSCI 2,690 Titles Century of Science A&HCI 1,470 Titles Century of Social Sciences 1900 CPCI 1990
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Web of Science – key benefits Searching and navigation via citations to discover unique research and evaluate the impact of research Visualization & reporting tools help identify trends and generate reports Analyze & Refine tools, Citation Report, Citation Map EndNote Web, ResearcherID Authority Diversity Depth & Consistency Quality Data Tool for Discovery & Analyzing
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Analyze results for detailed analysis such as collaborator identification Analysis Tools Instant Citation Reports to easily evaluate impcat and identify research trends Visualize citations using the Citation Map. Identify trends and track research pathways
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©2009 Thomson Reuters US National Science Foundation Science & Engineering Indicators European Commission : European Union Science & Technology Indicators Also used by government entities in France, Australia, Italy, Japan, UK, Portugal, Norway, Spain, Belgium, South Korea, Canada, and more, to shape higher education policy. Times Higher Education World University Rankings ”powered by Thomson Reuters” Agence d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement Research Analytics The Thomson Reuters Data Foundation Thomson Reuters’ publication and citation metrics are an important piece of many published research assessments throughout the world.
InCites is a web-based research evaluation tool designed to track trends on the field, country, and institution level, to enable detailed bibliometric analysis and reporting on the publications important to you.
All metrics and analyses can be performed on any subset of the data An entire institution One researcher Group of researchers (e.g. a department) Field of research within your institution Topic of research within your institution A collaboration partnership within your institution Funding 19
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