1. First slide: Title Slide. Have group members’ name, my name, the class, date of presentation and creative title (connected with the social issue). 2. Part One: Define the issue. Tell the audience what the issue is and present BOTH contrasting views of the issue as presented in the articles you wrote about in your annotated bibliography. a. Be sure that there is a picture on EACH slide. b. Provide short important quotes from all 3 articles that help understand the issue. c. Internal citation on EACH slide for the pictures used, the articles, data/textual evidence quoted and information paraphrased. d. Underline any vocabulary words being used and identify the unit in parenthesis.
3. Part Two: Analyze the Media’s Presentation of the Issue Choose 3 different media presentations of the issue (visual or print) and complete all 3 tasks listed on the assignment sheet in the order listed for EACH of the texts. a. Have a picture of the text on EACH slide. b. Provide short important quotes from all 3 articles that help understand the issue. c. Internal citation on EACH slide for the pictures used, the articles, data/textual evidence quoted and information paraphrased. d. Underline any vocabulary words being used and identify the unit in parenthesis. e. Talk to the audience; do NOT read to us. f. Use eye contact and be sure delivery is smooth.
4. Final Slide: Works Cited for--- a. All 3 articles b. All 3 media texts c. Vocabulary d. Pictures used e. Any other sources used in presentation f. Alphabetical order g. Easy bib, OWL at Purdue or the chart on my website ANY internal citation missing OR source omitted from the Works Cited will result in a 0 for the entire group! No grace given this time.