So you want to publish an article? The process of publishing scientific papers Williams lab meeting 14 Sept 2015
Stages in the process Choose journal Format style Submission Editor assignment Peer review Decision Revisions Acceptance Copy editing and proofs Online publication Inclusion in issue 2 months - 1 year ++
Choose journal General/subject-specific Type of paper (empirical/ theoretical) Quality of paper (impact factor of journal) Who do you want to read it, and what do they read? Peruse reference list of your manuscript Web of Science – Journal Citation reports > View group of journals by subject area
Format style Each journal has its own idiosyncratic style for references, text, figures etc. Vital to follow these to the letter (avoid appearance of sloppiness)
Submission Usually online Cover letter – Boilerplate (title, authors, not under consideration elsewhere) – Significance – Experimental design – Major findings and conclusions Select reviewers/editor Figure formats
Editor assignment Editor in chief reads paper and sends to handling editor (maybe) – Not in your subject area, make appeal broad Handling editor – Closer to your subject area – Chooses whether to send for review – Selects reviewers
Peer review Usually 2-3 experts in your field Blind/double blind Ideally can evaluate different aspects of your paper In reality, maybe whoever says yes Here, your suggestions can help shape your review process Beware non-preferred reviewers! Reviewer return comments in 2-3 weeks (maybe)
What are peer-reviewers looking for?
Content of peer reviews - for authors Summary of major insights and significance – Establish reviewer expertise, provide broader context Major comments – Missing or unclear context or poor structure – Methodological issues – Conclusions not well-founded Minor comments – Missing citations – Spelling or grammar – Incorrect/missing figure/table refs – Minor clarifications of meaning – Suggestions for shortening paper
Content of peer reviews – for editor Confidential statement of recommendation and justification “Is this paper in the top 15% of papers in Ecology” Can make editor’s job easy or difficult
Decision Handling editor (anonymously) makes recommendation based on reviewer comments Editor in chief makes final decision based on handling editor’s recommendation – Accept as is (uncommon) – Minor revisions – Major revisions – Reject – Transfer to alternate journal
Revisions Address each comment Use tracked changes Compile comments in response document and reply to each one (respectful tone important) Unless you strongly disagree, just do it! May require more experiments Resubmit with cover letter and response document (no guarantees) Back to same/different reviewers (optional)
Final decision Handling editor and editor in chief make final decision (accept or reject) Appeals process (don’t do unless you have a very good reason) This version of the manuscript is the last one that is still “yours”
Copy editing and proofs Editing grammer and style Preparing proofs Send proofs with queries to author for approval (last change to catch mistakes) No substantive changes at this point
Online publication Available online within days of returning proofs No page numbers or issue, cited as “in press” This version is subject to copyright laws – journal specific
Inclusion in issue Put into journal, may be printed in hard copy for library distribution Volume, issue and page numbers (full citation)
Congratulations! A year or more later, you are the proud parent of a scientific article (Now, go do it again)