Writing A Research Paper
First of all…….. Complete your research!!!! Make a decision about your stand on the issue
Write a Thesis Statement A thesis statement is your claim about the topic You will provide evidence (research) to back up your thesis statement
Thesis statement (con’t) Your thesis statement should answer your research question and show the direction that your paper is heading What is the main idea of your paper in 25 or fewer words?
Examples of Thesis Statements
After the Thesis Statement Organize your notes into the order that they will appear in your paper In easybib, you can write your thesis statement and then drag and drop your notes in the order that you will write them. Easybib will make an outline for you
Write your Introduction Begin with an anecdote or statistic that will grab the reader’s attention (1-2 sentences) Give enough background information that the reader/audience knows what is going on in your paper (1-3 sentences) Write your thesis statement
Organizing your Paper Reference page 61 in your text book Follow the template for a Classical argument Introduction Presentation of evidence that promotes your stance on the issue Present counter argument—summarize the opposing views Respond to opposing views (either refute them or concede) Conclusion—sum up arguments; leave strong last impression; make a call to action
Proving Your Position
Topic Sentence First sentence of each body paragraph should make a statement about the central point of your topic
Cite evidence Each note card needs to be a citation within your paper
Citations Book—author’s last name and page number (Welch 92) Data Base article—author’s last name only (unless there are page numbers) (Welch) Article without a listed author—first word or two in quotation marks (“Cool Article”)
How to write a sentence with citations
Direct Quotations Embed the quotes! Write your own sentence “then add the author’s work” (Author’s last name 86).
Paraphrasing Paraphrase someone else’s work, then add a citation (Author page number). Anything that is not your idea MUST be cited. When in doubt, cite it.
Your Commentary Don’t be verbose for the sake of “showing off” your vocabulary skills Make sure that your commentary is centered in your research The majority of your paper should be citations, not your own thoughts
Misc. Use transitions between ideas within your paragraphs (I have a handout)
Works Cited On Easy Bib—download Works Cited/Bibliography to Word Document Make sure citations have been used in your paper Make sure citations are in alpha order Make sure there is NO HEADING at the top Make sure you have no URLs in any of the citations Use italics for book titles, data base titles, and Google Scholar
Works Cited, con’t. To set it up manually on word: Under Special—select “Hanging” Under spacing—select “Double” Choose “OK” Do NOT put extra spaces in the Works Cited document
Works Cited, con’t Delete any sources that you did not use in your paper When you are completely satisfied with the perfection of your paper, copy it, then paste it into your research paper as the last page It should not have a heading, only the title “Works Cited”
Insert page numbers You need to insert page numbers into this paper. Choose the upper right corner of the paper. Do NOT have a page number on the first page of the paper You MAY choose to do a header with your last name and the page number, but it is not necessary
Final Papers Should……. Use 5 to 7 reputable sources Have the sources mixed throughout the paper Have a strong introduction that is a mini model for your entire paper Strong body paragraphs that prove your position Sources cited correctly A strong, thoughtful conclusion that states why your research/opinion is important