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Presentation transcript:


T HE CONTEXT The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is inviting teachers, parents, and students and other interested parties to share their views on a series of proposed new developments for senior cycle These include Revised syllabuses in Biology, Physics and Chemistr Draft syllabus for P.E. (as a Leaving Certificate examination subject) and a draft Framework for teaching P.E. as a non- examination Leaving Certificate subject - Draft short courses in Psychology and Enterprise The consultation runs until Friday October 28 th

W ORKSHOP AIMS As small teams, to share our ideas regarding specific proposals for the future development of senior cycle education To agree how to gather these views and share them with the NCCA as part of the current consultation process

DECIDE WHICH AREA YOU WILL BE DISCUSSING AND FORM 3 GROUPS Those interested in discussing the proposed new science syllabuses Those interested in discussing the proposed syllabus for PE as a new L.C. subject and draft framework for PE Those interested in discussing the idea of short courses and specifically the Psychology short course or the Enterprise short course

G ROUP WORK When you get into your groups First go to the NCCA consultation website and watch the short podcast related to the syllabus document which your group is discussing. Then appoint a facilitator, note-taker, timekeeper and reporter. You have 4 questions to discuss. Allow 5-6 minutes for each one. Finally, agree as a group, what points you’d like to feedback from your discussion to the NCCA. Use the Feedback Template Sheet to record your key ideas. You should have 6-7 minutes left to complete this task.

Q UESTIONS What do you see as the strengths of the draft syllabus? What do you see as the challenges? Have you any suggestions for improving the syllabus? Any other comments?

T O CONCLUDE How useful was today’s session? Go around the group and invite everyone to share ‘one thing I liked about today’s meeting….’ and ‘one thing that could have been better’? How will you gather today’s ideas and feed them into the consultation process? Who will take responsibility for this? Feedback using the form on the School-based page of the website Remember that you also can give your own individual feedback if you fill in the quick questionnaires that you will find at