EURO4M Météo-France motivations and contributions.


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Presentation transcript:

EURO4M Météo-France motivations and contributions

Teams involved DClim (Direction de la Climatogie) –Service in charge of the climatological data including the database, quality control, monitoring of the climate, climatological products, R&D studies. –P.I : Anne-Laure Gibelin CNRM/GAME (Research department) : WP2.3 –GMAP : Numerical weather prediction group : numerical weather prediction models, assimilation for weather forecast. P.I. : Eric Bazile –GMME : Mesoscale group : Mesoscale meteorology, surface processes, mesocale analysis, surface assimilation. P.I. : Eric Martin, Jean-François Mahfouf

Background models/applications Météo-France has a long experience in surface modelling and derived applications Need to upgrade the current near surface variable analyses (coop. NWP consortia) Surface Scheme : ISBA (1989), SURFEX (2003) Snow Schemes : 4 snow shemes of varying complexity in SURFEX (2010), CROCUS (1989) to be included in SURFEX Surface analysis : CANARI (Europe : 2009), SAFRAN (Alps : 1991, France : 2003) Assimilation : Operational screen-level and soil analyses in the global ARPEGE model since 1998 and in the ALADIN-France LAM since 2009 Coupling surface analysis with SVAT for monitoring : Snow model CROCUS for avalanches (1991), ISBA and the hydrological model MODCOU (SIM, 2003), Carbon Fluxes (GMES Geoland project)

The CANARI analysis system 2D optimum interpolation scheme Spatialisation of T2m, RH2m, SST and snow depth from surface observations (SYNOP,BUOYS) Background : NWP short-range forecasts (ARPEGE, ALADIN,AROME) Structure functions : homogeneous and isotropic Advantages : robust, cheap and developed within an operational NWP software environment Weaknesses : unrealistic features over montains and near coastlines

The analysis system SAFRAN Analysis on « homogenous » zones Explicitely account for altidudinal gradient All conventional observations used, radiative model for radiation terms Structure functions rely on zoning Advantages : altitudinal gradient, all variables to force a surface model Weaknesses : choice of the zones, artificial limits between zones, radiation estimates 300m 600m 900m 1200m Z maxi Z mini Ébauche ARPEGE k=2 k=3 k=4

Background / reanalyses and monitoring 50 years reanalyses were made over France (based on ERA40/SAFRAN). Drought analysis 2003 : Heat wave (soil wetness) 1976 : Drought (precipitations) Precip. Soil wetness discharge Precip. Soil wetness discharge Evolution of the number of obs./day From 1958 to 2008 Simulated SWI of 1st of April compared to the climatology

Contribution to EURO4M DClim (Direction de la Climatogie) : WP1.1 –Provide regional datasets for the project –Development and improvement of the control procedures to provide additional information about data quality : Time, spatial, inter parameter consistency focus on the control of precipitation dataset (rain gauge) by using radars and/or additional data look at the possibility to apply the same quality control procedures for all datasets in the project –Strong experience in Data Rescue and homogenization activities CNRM/GAME (Research department) : WP2.3 & WP2.4 –Development of a 2D surface analysis sofware based on previous software (SAFRAN, MESAN, CANARI) –coupling with a surface scheme in order to produce derived variables, in particular snow cover, soil moisture, discharge and validations –Validation in France and other areas –Validation on well-instrumented tests sites

EURO4M impacts Synergy with other projects –GMES Geoland : land surface monitoring (carbon - coordinated by CNRM/GAME) –SAF/land : contribution of CNRM/GAME to downward solar radiation and snow albedo –SAF/Hydro : contribution of DClim and CNRM/GAME to validations –HyMeX : need 2D surface analysis at the scale of the mediterranean Improved capability of surface monitoring at large scale –Offline applications (snow, soil wetness, fire hasard, …) –NWP (assimilation, improved surface fluxes) –…