Electronic Resources: KBART File Template & Data Fields Bie-Hwa Ma and Shi Deng CEAL Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources (ERMB) Tuesday, March 24, 2015 It’s all about: Metadata Standards and Best Practice for E-Resources Improving Discoverability and Accessibility of E-content
NISO KBART Phase II Recommended Practice KBART: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools KBART Recommended Practice (NISO KBART): Benefits Provide content metadata in KB formatted files, a universally accepted data format Make smoother interaction between members of KB supply chain KB providers and their customers benefit from provision of higher-quality data by content providers Publishers expose content to greater usage by accurate linking to their content Immediate return on investment Instruction for requesting endorsement (NISO KBART, p. 3) Endorser also listed in the NISO website above
CJK Electronic Resources NISO KBART Compliance CJK vendors are encouraged to use KBART filename convention and file template Filename is correct and is relevant to the level (e.g. package/consortium) KBART structure within the file is adhered to and data is in the correct position Structure guidelines within each field are adhered to (e.g. correct use of data format) All data in mandatory fields are included (e.g. identifiers, title, URLs) Translation of NISO KBART Recommended Practice into CJK languages Entire documentation is in process The KBART file template contains 4 worksheets: Simplified Chi&Eng, Traditional Chi&Eng, Jpn&Eng, and Kor&Eng Data field label in Eng and CJK Date format if recommended Instruction in Eng/Chi … for each data field (NISO KBART p ) Good news: Three CJK content providers have already provided KBART files
KBART Filename Convention (NISO KBART, p ) The filename should be: [ProviderName]_[Region/Consortium]_[PackageName]_[YYYY-MM-DD].txt If title list is not region or consortium-specific, use “Global” JSTOR_Global_AllTitles_ txt If title list is consortium-specific, for a specific package, use this form: OxfordJournals_SCELC_AllTitles_ txt If title list is region-specific, for a specific package, use this form: Springer_Asia-Pacific_Medicine_ txt ProviderName should be the platform on which the data is hosted Oup_Highwire_AllTitles_ txt Bloomsbury_IngentaConnect_Alltitles_ txt Separate files should be produced for each content package the provider offers JSTOR_Global_ArtsandSciencesV_ txt
KBART Data Fields (NISO KBART p.18-26) KBART File Data Fields Total 25 data fields All mandatory if they exist and are appropriate to the content Every field should appear in the order given in the template, even if no info can be provided for a specific field Content providers are permitted to include any extra data fields after the last KBART utilized position (access_type in position 25) CEAL Recommended Additional KBART Data Fields Total 9 data fields: seek input and support from CEAL members All mandatory if they exist and are appropriate to the content Every field should appear in the order given in the template
KBART Data Fields (p.18-26) PositionField NamePositionField Name 1publication_title14coverage_depth 2print_identifier15notes 3online_identifier16publisher_name 4date_first_issue_online17publication_type 5num_first_vol_online18date_monograph_published_print 6num_first_issue_online19date_monograph_published_online 7date_last_issue_online20monograph_volume 8num_last_vol_online21monograph_edition 9num_last_issue_online22first_editor 10title_url23parent_publication_title_id 11first_author24preceding_publication_title_id 12title_id25access_type 13embargo_info
CEAL ERMB Recommended KBART Data Fields Discussion on CEAL Recommended Data Fields PositionField NamePositionField Name romanization_title date_first_issue_published parallel_title publication_frequency_most_ recent parallel_title_vendor- provide publication_status preceding_title date_added_to_package succeeding_title CEAL ERMB thanks very much for your participation!