Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol


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Presentation transcript:

Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol Summary of the Vision

Welcome 1. Background, context and aim of the process 2. Appointment of Providers: Information for applicants Section A: Summary of the vision Appointment of providers Section B: Composite Provision Plan (mainstream programmes) Section C: Strategic Development Fund (Developing plan) 3. Funding Arrangements and Conditions 4. Any other business

The Vision Main features: Original Ambitious Achievable Free of institutional interests Quality Making a difference

Structure An arm’s-length body with an independent constitution Firm management structures Quality staff driving change Encouraging the participation and trust of the whole of Wales

Managing Change A process that will lead to significant changes The establishment of a national body Transparency and thoroughness Suitability and quality Measurable results

Working in Partnership Enfolding rather than cohorting Building on strengths Identifying new opportunities

The Government’s Core Outcomes A visible organisation that sets a strategic direction offers guidance for providers raises teaching and learning standards develops a national curriculum and produces appropriate resources

Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol National responsibility for leading the field of teaching Welsh to Adults strategically to the future. Structures, forums and strategic steps implemented from the centre. Facilitating the work of grassroots providers and freeing them to concentrate on their main work, namely provision.

A sound structure in place that will steer all decisions regarding: Welsh for the Family Welsh in the Workplace Marketing Quality Control Training

Welsh for the Family – agreement will be reached with all local authorities this year to agree on a list of action points to move the provision forward. The Welsh for the Family programmes will be part of the targets of each Local Authority’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan and the aim is to ensure that formally.

Welsh in the Workplace – a formal working relationship will be established based on meaningful targets with the Welsh Language Commissioner and bodies such as WLGA. Quarterly progress meetings will be held in order to target sectors and gather key information to cascade to the providers. As part of the work, guidance from the Commissioner’s officers is expected e.g. on the sectors to target, their location and the type of provision that would be best suited.

The role of providers is to establish a relationship with the grassroots workforce. An initial seminar will be held, arranged by the Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol after the appointment of core staff. An opportunity to agree on priority points to be converted into quantitative targets in order to respond at short notice to the needs of public sector bodies.

Marketing – All activity in this area will be driven and planned by the Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol. Based on central campaigns and a powerful virtual site. This site will be housed on a website that will be accessible on mobile technology.

The Strategy, driven centrally and through the website, will aim at freeing the providers’ time to focus on their work of provision rather than mission. The whole area will be branded anew within six to nine months of the establishment of the Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol. Hand in hand with this, all the Canolfan’s marketing work will blend with the Government’s wider marketing work on a national level with the new ‘Welsh’ branding.

Curriculum and training – there will be continuation for the work already ongoing on a new curriculum. Systems will be established that will ensure that tutors of the highest quality will be contributing to this field, and a Workforce Plan will be drawn up very soon. It is anticipated current that national training providers in this field will have a central role but, where necessary, that training will be reviewed and improved. It will be ensured that there will be a system in place guaranteeing that fair pay rates are implemented across all providers.

The University of Cardiff research report funded by the Welsh Government, Adnoddau, Dulliau ac Ymagweddau Dysgu ac Addysgu ym Maes Cymraeg i Oedolion, will be considered with the aim of considering and implementing a number of the significant recommendations made in it. A continuous professional development programme will be established for experienced tutors with encouragement for providers to reward performance through imaginative and fair ways. Co-operation with Estyn will be central to the work of developing quality process.

Appointment of the Chief Executive and the three Directors. These individuals will be responsible for formulating operative and comprehensive strategies that guide everything.   The activity will be based on those recommendations accepted by the Government in the report Raising our sights (Codi golygon) and will conform completely with the Welsh Government’s wider vision in the field of policy in seeing the Welsh language prosper. The next step is to appoint a Chief Executive (within a week), the three Directors (within a month to six weeks) and members of the Board of Management (within eight weeks).