A Bully Free School BCMS
Guidelines Listen to each other No put downs or name calling Questions are welcomed Respect each other
What is Bullying? Bullying is whenever someone uses his or her power unfairly and repeatedly to hurt someone.
Examples of Bullying Verbal Aggression –Mocking –Name-Calling –Dirty looks –Taunting –Teasing about appearance, clothing, or possessions –Verbal threats Physical Aggression –Pushing –Shoving –Spitting –Kicking –Hitting –Defacing Property –Stealing –Violence –Threatening with a weapon Intimidation –Threatening to reveal personal information –Graffiti –Publicly challenging to do something –Playing a dirty trick –Taking Possessions Indirect Bullying –Social Alienation –Gossiping –Embarrassing –Setting up to look foolish –Spreading rumors
Think about a time that you have been involved in a Bullying situation. Where does bullying occur? Why do people bully? What could you have done differently?
Roles in Bullying Situations A Bully is the person who tries to bully another student. A Target is the person whom the bully tries to bully. The target does not become a victim unless the bullying is successful. A Bystander is a student who is present during the bullying attempt, or was not present but hears about it before of after.
What is an Ally? An Ally is a person who takes a stand to support someone who is being mistreated by bullying, prejudicial behavior or other forms of discrimination. Allies work toward social change in their school, family, community and more.
Qualities of an Ally include: Someone who listens to and respects the feelings and experiences of those who have been mistreated and/or discriminated against. Makes an effort to learn about other cultures and lifestyles. Is willing to make mistakes, learn form them, and try again. Acts against mistreatment and knows that s/he can make a difference in the life of another each day.
Become an Ally! Tell the bully to stop Help the bully and the target to talk out the problem Disagree with bully, and stand up for target. Be kind to target. Tell trusted adult about the situation Do not laugh at bully’s jokes Do not give bully popularity.
One new thing I learned today