The Nonverbal Murder of Technology: Cyber Bullying.


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Presentation transcript:

The Nonverbal Murder of Technology: Cyber Bullying

The Video  lated lated  WHAT IS CYBER BULLYING?  Cyber-bullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.Internetrelated technologies  As it has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it.

David Knight  David Knight of Burlington, Ontario,  Someone in his school made a website about him saying, “Welcome to the website that makes fun of Dave Knight.”  So many people in his school posted thoughtless and inappropriate comments about him.  He hid at home for weeks away from everyone outside, and he was frightened to death.

The Rates  “I called another student mean names, made fun of or teased him or her in a hurtful way online” (27.7%)  “Other students told lies or spread false rumors about me and tried to make others dislike me.” (29.3%)  Among the victims do not tell anyone in their off- screen lives about their abuse, but 38 percent did tell an online friend. (41%)

 33 percent of youth have been victimized by cyber bullying.  Among this percentage, being ignored and disrespected were the most common forms of cyber bullying.  The primary cyber bullying location where victimizing occurs is in chat rooms (56 percent).  34 percent of youth who are bullied feel frustrated, 30 percent angry and 22 percent feel sad.  41 percent of victims do not tell anyone in their off-screen lives about their abuse, but 38 percent did tell an online friend.  The situation only improved for 19 percent of victims when they did tell someone about the bullying.  17 percent admitted to bullying another individual online.  Of the offenders interviewed most considered it fun or instructive; such as a way to strengthen their victims.

SEXTING  Sexting is the slang term for the use of a cell phone or other similar electronic device to distribute pictures or video of sexually explicit images.  It can also refer to text messages of a sexually- charged nature.  “Sexting” is a relatively new phenomenon that has drastically shifted the world’s view on the consequences of technology,  relatively horrifying consequences of easy communication and the transparency of information

Prevention  Teachers should be aware of behavior changes in students who have been bullied or harassed.  Having a presence in cyberspace where bullying is likely to take place  School administrators -offering counseling, reinforcing the school’s moral code, and strong disciplinary action  Hard for parents to believe that their child may be a cyber-bully because the child may not appear to be one in real life. Whether the children are bystanders, are being bullied, or are bullies themselves, parents must be aware of what is happening in their lives.