Northampton Youth Forum ‘Issues’ Survey Feedback Total number of completed surveys=114 at Northampton Umbrella Fair 13 and 14 August 2011
Do you live in Northampton?
Ranked 1 st
Ranked 2+3
Do you think Homophobic Bullying is an important issue within schools?
Do you feel that homophobic bullying is taken as seriously as other forms of bullying?
Do you know anyone that has been a victim of homophobic bullying?
How commonly do you hear the term ‘gay’ used in a negative way? 75%= Always or often.
Would you like to see the YF doing more to tackle this issue? A lot or a bit = 91%
How aware do you think young people are of mental health and well-being?
Would you like to see the Youth Forum doing more to tackle the issue? A bit or a lot = 95%