Kapi’olani Community College Macromedia Flash 2 In-class Presentation Week 2
Macromedia Flash 2 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: Today’s Lesson Adding scene transitions to your flash site Begin with the flash file from last week. Variables Variables are a very powerful tool for adding advanced interactivity to flash web site.
Macromedia Flash 2 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: In-class Exercise/Take-home Assignment If you haven’t done so already, go through all the tutorials from the Flash 1 class and Flash 2 week 1. Please feel free to alter any graphics, colors, and text to your liking. Be a designer and have fun with it! Next, follow the first tutorial for Flash 2 Week 2 and do the following: Add scene transitions to your site Once you are done, your file should act/behave something like this: sitions.html sitions.html
Macromedia Flash 2 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: Next Week Adding a high-lite state to your main nav More flash tips & techniques