CDM105 Session 9 Macromedia FLASH MX 2004 Part 2 : Animation with Motion Tweening and Shape Tweening
CDM105 Session 9 Tweening Motion Tweening is very visual and thus can not be conveyed well in PowerPoint Thus, the PowerPoint slides provide an overview and basic instructions of how the examples shown in the lecture were created To create these examples yourself you will need to use the skills you learnt in the last session such as onion skinning and the ability to edit multiple frames etc.
CDM105 Session 9 Basic Motion Tween Create an object (e.g. a square) in frame 1 on the default layer Convert the object into a symbol –( Modify > Convert to Symbol ) Create a keyframe at frame 20 With frame 20 selected move the symbol instance to a different position Select frame 1 Create a Motion Tween –( Insert > Timeline > Create Motion Tween ) –or right mouse click and choose Create Motion Tween Play the Flash Animation NOTE: You can only create Motion Tweens from Grouped objects and Symbols The frames of a motion tween are shown in light purple on the timeline
CDM105 Session 9 Basic Motion Tween Outline Onion skinning selected showing all instances of the symbol as outlines The frames of a motion tween are shown in light purple on the timeline
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween + Colour Change or Fade Create an object (e.g. a square) in frame 1 on the default layer Convert the object into a symbol –( Modify > Convert to Symbol ) Create a keyframe at frame 20 With frame 20 selected move the symbol instance to a different position Select frame 1 Create a Motion Tween –( Insert > Timeline > Create Motion Tween ) –or right mouse click and choose Create Motion Tween Select frame 20 and select the object on the stage Modify the Tint (set tint to 100%) using the properties panel Play the Flash Animation
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween + Colour Change or Fade Onion skinning selected showing all instances of the symbol
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween + Resize Create an object (e.g. a square) in frame 1 on the default layer Convert the object into a symbol –( Modify > Convert to Symbol ) Create a keyframe at frame 20 With frame 20 selected move the symbol instance to a different position Select frame 1 Create a Motion Tween –( Insert > Timeline > Create Motion Tween ) –or right mouse click and choose Create Motion Tween Select the instance of the symbol on frame 20 Select Modify > Transform > Scale Use the handles on the object to resize it Play the Flash Animation
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween + Resize
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween + Rotation Create an object (e.g. a square) in frame 1 on the default layer Convert the object into a symbol –( Modify > Convert to Symbol ) Create a keyframe at frame 20 With frame 20 selected move the symbol instance to a different position Select frame 1 Create a Motion Tween –( Insert > Timeline > Create Motion Tween ) –or right mouse click and choose Create Motion Tween Open the properties panel Select Rotate to CW (clockwise) Plus enter a number 3 or 4 Play the Flash Animation Try modifying the Easing properties as well !
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween + Rotation
CDM105 Session 9 Create an object (e.g. a square) in frame 1 on the default layer Convert the object into a symbol –( Modify > Convert to Symbol ) Create a keyframe at frame 20 With frame 20 selected move the symbol instance to a different position Select frame 1 Create a Motion Tween –( Insert > Timeline > Create Motion Tween ) –or right mouse click and choose Create Motion Tween Add a Guide Layer Draw on the Guide Layer with the pencil tool the path you want the symbol follow In frame 1 on the original layer ensure the registration mark is directly over the beginning of the motion path (Hint: Use Onion Skinning and zoom to do this on complex symbols) In frame 20 move the symbol to the end of the path Play the Flash Animation Motion Tween along a Guide Add Guide Layer (bottom of the timeline)
CDM105 Session 9 Motion Tween along a Guide
CDM105 Session 9 Orient to Guide Path Repeat the previous example but this time select the “Orient to path direction”option Select keyframe in frame 1
CDM105 Session 9 Orient to Guide Path
CDM105 Session 9 Create a blue circle in frame 1 near the top of the page on the default layer Create a keyframe at frame 20 With frame 20 selected move the circle to the bottom of the page Now ‘squash’ the circle in frame 20 –( Modify > Transform > Scale ) Select frame 1 Now left mouse click on frame 1 Open the properties panel Create a Shape Tween: Set tweening to Shape Play the Flash Animation NOTE: You can only create Shape Tweens from ungrouped objects (and not from Symbols.) The frames of a shape tween are shown in light green on the timeline Basic Shape Tween
CDM105 Session 9 Basic Shape Tween The frames of a shape tween are shown in light green on the timeline
CDM105 Session 9 Complex Shape Tween The more complex the shape, the more complex it is for Flash to change the shapes. Flash works by using mathematical calculations not magic! Consider a circle to a flower this works well Keyframe Inbetween frameKeyframe
CDM105 Session 9 Complex Shape Tween But looks what happens if we try to tween from the flower to a flower with a stem Keyframe Inbetween frames To overcome this problem you need to add shape hints to help Flash morph the images correctly (To add shape hints select Modify > Shape > Add Shape Hint To delete a shape hint right mouse click over and select remove shape hint)
CDM105 Session 9 Start KeyframeEnd Keyframe Add shape hints to the start keyframe and place them in a clockwise or anti clockwise position around the shape. Then move the end keyframe and position the shape hints in the corresponding position. Some trail and error is required !
CDM105 Session 9 Shape Tween Text By default, when you add text to a FLASH animation it is grouped. Thus, you can create Motion Tweens with it. However, you can ‘Break Apart’ text into ungrouped fills. Thus, permitting Shape tweens to be performed between text. Examine the example below which also uses Motion tweens as well to animate a name.
CDM105 Session 9 Using Macromedia Flash –1) Try all the examples shown in this presentation Try to create them first yourself ! Check them with the examples on the module website –2) Create an animation of your name (see the example on the website) –3) Create a new summer garden scene that uses shape and motion tweens to make the flowers open from buds and the bees move about more ! Read Chapters 8 and 9 of the 2 nd key text book and experiment more with Flash by creating more animations. –Ulrich, K - Visual Quickstart Guide FLASH MX 2004 for Windows and Macintosh Machine Based Tutorial