CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES High Performance Computing applications in GEON: From Design to Production Dogan Seber.


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Presentation transcript:

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES High Performance Computing applications in GEON: From Design to Production Dogan Seber


CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES A portal-based grid application in GEON – SYNSEIS SYNSEIS is a SYNthetic SEISmogram calculation tool built using the Grid It is integrated in the GEON portal Provides easy access to software, data and computational platforms Currently being evaluated for science runs

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Synthetic seismograms are used in: Understanding/determining seismic source parameters Modeling seismic events Understanding sub surface structure (velocity, attenuation, structural geometries) Studying seismic waveform propagation Source identification …

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES (Goldstein 2001) Problem: How to bring such advance calculations to desktops of researchers, students, educators.

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON’s solution: SYNSEIS (Synthetic Seismograms on the Grid) SYNSEIS is a grid application that provides an unprecedented opportunity for seismologists and other earth science partners to compute and study 3D seismic records to understand complex subsurface structures. SYNSEIS is built using a service-oriented architecture. While it provides users an easy-to- use GUI to access data, models and compute resources, it also provides “connectors” (APIs) for developers should they choose to utilize any of its components in other applications.

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEONgrid Partner Projects Chronos CUAHSI Partner services USGS Geological Survey of Canada ESRI NASA PoP node 5-node cluster 4 Tb KGS

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES What we need Software application (E3D) –Needed input 3D Earth structure Earthquake/source parameters Computational platform –Single machine, clusters E3D Input Output 3D Earth Model Earthquake Parameters Application

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Deploying on the Grid -Service-Oriented model -GEON uses Web Services E3D WSDL/SOAP Earth Model WSDL/SOAP Earthquake Parameters Internet CORBA IRIS

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GUI Development GEON uses gridsphere framework –GUI needs to be built as a Portlet and the system should be portal accessible Requirement: The GUI must be easy-to-use, interactive, effective - Flash is used as building platform

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Computational Environment E3D is a parallel code and it is memory and cpu hungry! –TeraGrid Cluster is a solution –GEON’s own clusters also help Requirement: The code must be installed on multiple platforms. HPC expertise needed!

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES IRIS Earthquakes Stations Waveform Digital Libraries/GEON Data Grid Earth model HPC Centers NCSASDSC SYNSEIS e3d Modeling earthquake recordings in 2D/3D environment to study the interior of the Earth in a Grid environment

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Web Services Data Model Service Job Submission/Monitoring and File Service Data Archives Service HPC Resources Data Repository Job Database JDBCIIOP/CORBAGrid Services GEONGrid Portal Cornell Map Server IRIS DMC HTTP Grid FTP Synseis Portlet Macromedia Flash GUI MyGEON Synseis HPC


CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Subsurface Model services Low sampling Higher sampling Earth Model


CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Conclusions (1/2) Using the Grid technology we were able to bring an extremely complex and cumbersome seismic data analysis procedure to a level that can be used by anyone efficiently and effectively. SYNSEIS is a first step towards faster knowledge discovery. Democratization of community resources allows not only GEON researchers but also external community members to access state-of-the-art software and tools. Although the tool is developed for GEON applications, it holds a tremendous potential for projects like EarthScope. SYNSEIS can be used by EarthScope researchers to conduct timely analysis of collected data

CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Conclusions (2/2) SYNSEIS also has a high potential to be used in educational environments allowing students to experiment with data and “make their own earthquakes”. SYNSEIS has allowed us to practice building distributed data and computational resources. We are now ready to expand such development efforts within the GEONgrid environment