February, 2009 Center for the Advancement of Innovative Teaching and Learning (CAITL) Page 1
Confidential-DRAFT Contents CAITL, Vision, Mission, Goals Framework and Available Resources to support the model Top PD Goals Current Initiatives Example Next Steps Page 2
Confidential-DRAFT CAITL Vision The Laureate CAITL will be a model environment where LIU faculty and educational administrators will explore professional development opportunities in order to innovate, enliven, and develop teaching skills that enhance learning through the LIU network. CAITL will be dedicated to both supporting high levels of faculty academic achievement and fostering partnerships between LIU by providing educational opportunities and training for our faculty members. CAITL will be seen as a facilitator who will provide a repository of exemplars and best practices in faculty development training and resources which may help educational endeavors of each university within the LIU. Page 3
Confidential-DRAFT CAITL Mission The Laureate CAITL will promote and facilitate the improvement of teaching and learning throughout the LIU Network by facilitating communication and sharing of faculty development resources across the LIU network as well as facilitating the creation of new products and services. It will serve as institutional facilitator for faculty development initiatives at both local and Laureate-wide levels. The CAITL will provide opportunities for sharing scholarship in teaching and learning; connecting people with similar interests, and mentoring faculty to help them reach their full potential as effective teachers. The new products and services developed jointly will be multimodal applications to allow more flexibility in the faculty’s schedules and provide for the needs in training and degree seeking opportunities. Page 4
Confidential-DRAFT CAITL Academic Goals The Laureate CAITL will seek to achieve the following goals: promote excellence in teaching and learning of both full-time and part-time LIU faculty by using appropriate instructional strategies that enhance student success provide LIU faculty professional advancement opportunities support innovative teaching techniques, the creation of educational materials, and the use of instructional technology. Page 5
Confidential-DRAFT CAITL Corporate Goals The Laureate CAITL will seek to achieve the following goals: streamline collaborative endeavors within LIU network by facilitating contact between the Laureate’s various member institutions regarding professional development actively market and promote professional development activities Laureate-wide, thereby making CAITL visible and accessible to all faculty explore and disseminate new initiatives within and outside of the network reduce cost of professional development initiatives at a local level and augment the development and re-use of products and services throughout the network Page 6
Confidential-DRAFT Laureate- Wide Inventory Needs Assessment Reports Inventory Survey Professional Development Plans CAE local Initiatives Third Party Agreements Page 7
Confidential-DRAFT Defining the Laureate-Wide Core Teaching Competencies What is the faculty profile at each LIU university? What traits are found across the board? What traits are commonly found (or desired) of all LIU Faculty? Page 8
Confidential-DRAFT Laureate-Wide Core Teaching Competencies In progress of defining. Additional research needed. Example: LIU Faculty will evidence adequate use of educational technology by demonstrating initiative and creativity en the use of electronic media. Page 9
Confidential-DRAFT Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning ( CATL) 2/3/ Certification Training Sourcing Trainers & Content Training TrainersCertifying TrainersScreen Professors Resource Creation CredentialFlexible Execution Quality Assurance – University Impact 5 Brand Global Portal LOCALLOCAL REMOTEREMOTE SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS Same Time – Same Place Same Time – Different Place Different Time – Different Place Different Time- Same Place Short-term training Long-term education (degrees)
Confidential-DRAFT 1 Needs Assessment 2 Professional Development Inventory 3 Map to Faculty Development Model and Priorities 4 Place on Portal 5 Conduct Gap Analysis 6 Develop in-house 7 Find External Provider Share with the Network Action Plan
Confidential-DRAFT Internal Development or Outsourcing Decision-Making Flowchart Page 12 Identify Need Recruit Outside Use them Do we have an Internal Expert? YES NO Is content Available internally? Use as is YES NO Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed CIP Process Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Develop Internally? YES NO Identify External vendor & Negotiate Contract Is repurposing needed? Do we have Time/potential candidates to develop Within? YES NO Train NO YES Use as is Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Is repurposing needed? NO YES Use as is Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Is repurposing needed? NO YES Identify Need Recruit Outside Use them Do we have an Internal Expert? YES NO Is content Available internally? Use as is YES NO Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed CIP Process Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Develop Internally? YES NO Identify External vendor & Negotiate Contract Is repurposing needed? Do we have Time/potential candidates to develop Within? YES NO Train NO YES Use as is Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Is repurposing needed? NO YES Use as is Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Is repurposing needed? NO YES Use as is Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Is repurposing needed? NO YES Use as is Revise Make Consistent LCAE-ize Globalize & Specialize as Needed Is repurposing needed? NO YES
Confidential-DRAFT Top PD Goals Faculty and Administrators Compared Data reveals that both faculty and administrators perceive similar PD goals as important. Goals which persistently rank among the top six are: 1. Maintaining in-depth knowledge of content (6 out of 6*) 2. Improving familiarity in educational technology (6 out of 6*) 3. Broadening knowledge of effective teaching and learning (5 out of 6*) as well as specialized teaching techniques (3 out of 6) 4. Improving English (Present among all non-English Needs Assessment surveys**; 4 out of 6) 5. Broadening knowledge of Andragogy (3 out of 6*) 6. Achieving a Higher Degree (2 out of 6) *Includes all Needs Assessment Surveys (Pilot and Final; English, Spanish, and Portuguese) and Inventory Survey. **Includes Needs Assessment in Spanish and Portuguese (Pilot and Final) Page 13
Confidential-DRAFT Current Initiatives responding to PD Needs Focus on the priorities What does each LIU university have locally? Description Objectives Delivery Format Length of program Language Can it be transferable to a broader audience? Is it scalable? Can it become scalable? What modifications are needed? Costs? Time? Resources? Page 14
Need #2: Improving familiarity in educational technology Example Page 15
Confidential-DRAFT Technology Importance: Administrators TechnologyImportance Rating Video possibilities66.67% Microsoft Word66.67% Wikis in education66.67% Course and Learning Management Systems66.67% Blogs50.00% Microsoft Outlook50.00% PowerPoint50.00% Adobe software packages33.33% Microsoft Excel33.33% Microsoft Windows Movie Maker33.33% Macromedia Flash and other animation software33.33% (Webcam Casts/Screenshots33.33% Webinars33.33% Data base16.67% Using PDAs16.67% Social Networking tools16.67% Synchronous communication tools16.67% *n=6 Page 16
Confidential-DRAFT Technology Importance: Administrators and Faculty Compared (50% administrators’ importance rating or more) TechnologyAdministrators Faculty Pilot Faculty Final Digital Video66.7%39.6%41.1% Microsoft Word66.7%71.9%73.3% Wikis For Education66.7%28.7%24.4% LMS66.7%56.5%45.0% Blogs50.0%21.3%19.8% Microsoft Outlook50.0%33.8%36.0% PowerPoint50.0%70.5%76.4% Page 17
Confidential-DRAFT Technology Importance: Administrators and Faculty Compared (less than 50% administrators’ importance rating) TechnologyAdministratorsFaculty PilotFaculty Final Adobe Software33.3%37.3%38.0% Microsoft Excel33.3%51.8%51.2% Microsoft Windows Movie Maker33.3%24.8%21.7% Flash33.3%30.8%26.4% Webcams33.3%0.0%39.1% Webinars33.3%0.0%29.1% Databases16.7%25.2%35.3% PDAs16.7%22.5%25.2% Social Networking16.7%0.0%27.9% Synchronous Tools16.7%0.0%26.7% Microsoft Access0.0%24.5%21.3% Microsoft Publisher0.0%23.0%18.6% Page 18
Confidential-DRAFT Technology Importance: Administrators and Faculty Compared Administrators see video possibilities as one of the most important educational technologies, yet Needs Assessment surveys (pilot and final) placed it in 5 th place. One interesting detail is that data revealed that the use of Wikis(3rd) and Blogs(5th) are seen as important educational technologies by administrators, but faculty did not give these technologies the same importance. (Final Survey: Wiki – 15th, Blogs18th; Pilot Survey: Blog 15th, Wiki 9th) Page 19
Confidential-DRAFT Final Needs Assessment Versus Inventory: Technology Importance and “No Skill” Levels Spanish Final English Final Portuguese Final Technology Importance Rating No Skill Video possibilities66.67%51.50%69.00%3.20% Microsoft Word66.67%3.00%6.90%50.80% Wikis in education66.67%76.80%82.80%4.80% Course and Learning Management Systems66.67%78.80%31.00%7.30% Blogs50.00%42.40%55.20%9.70% Microsoft Outlook50.00%25.30%31.00%19.40% PowerPoint50.00%81.00%20.70%44.40% This table compares the top five technology importance ratings as responded by administrators. It compares these top technologies with the “No skill” level from faculty needs assessment (final version). Faculty training could be directed towards the top technologies and towards that “No Skill” group. Page 20
Confidential-DRAFT Technology Importance/Skill: Comparing Administrators and Faculty Video is seen as an important educational technology, but (Spanish/English) Needs Assessment reveal that more than half of the faculty are at the “No skill level” (51.5% and 69.0% respectively). Similar findings repeat for Wikis, Blogs,, CMS/LMS and Outlook; all considered important by administrators, but with a high percentage of faculty rating themselves at the “No Skill” level. Page 21
Confidential-DRAFT Need #2: Current Initiatives Institutional Program for Teaching & Pedagogy training Description:The Program deals mainly with educational strategies and use of technology in classroom Contact: LIU School:UVM Language:□ English ■ Spanish □ Portuguese □ Other ______ □ All Delivery Format: □ Local □ Remote □ All □ Blended Program Type:□ Short term□ Long termProvide # hours or months)______ Descriptor:Educational Technology Page 22
Confidential-DRAFT Need #2: Current Initiatives Educational Technology Description: The Program deals mainly with educational strategies and use of technology in classroom Contact: LIU School:UEM Language:□ English ■ Spanish □ Portuguese □ Other ______ □ All Delivery Format: □ Local □ Remote □ All □ Blended Program Type:■ Short term□ Long termProvide # hours or months) 10 hours Descriptor:Educational Technology, Cross referenced to Need #3 Page 23
Confidential-DRAFT Need #2: Current Initiatives Integrating Technology in the Classroom Description: Added component to LASPAU training Contact: LIU School:UNITEC Language:□ English ■ Spanish □ Portuguese □ Other ______ □ All Delivery Format: □ Local □ Remote □ All □ Blended Program Type:□ Short term□ Long termProvide # hours or months) ________ Descriptor:Educational Technology Page 24
Confidential-DRAFT Need #2: Current Initiatives Use of IT in the Virtual Classroom Description: Continuing Education Program Contact: LIU School:UPC Language:□ English ■ Spanish □ Portuguese □ Other ______ □ All Delivery Format: □ Local □ Remote □ All □ Blended Program Type:□ Short term□ Long termProvide # hours or months) _______ Descriptor:Educational Technology Page 25
Confidential-DRAFT Need #2: Improving familiarity in educational technology Follow-up Seek out additional information about the program delivery format, objectives, etc. Page 26
Confidential-DRAFT Need #2: Improving familiarity in educational technology Budgeted items FY 2009 Kendall CollegeTraining on specific classroom applications of technology, especially new tools in Blackboard UDLASome courses are planned for teachers on PowerPoint/Excel/Word at basic & advanced levels UEMTeam Net.UEM deals with the introduction of new technologies in teaching activities. Anhemi MorumbiSpecial program - Blackboard resources UPCContinuing education program in technology for education for the faculty Some of these programs are needed in other universities and could be included in the first deployment of the CAE. Additional information needed. Page 27
Confidential-DRAFT Next Steps FY Develop LIU Core Faculty Competencies Focus on Top Priorities 1. Maintaining knowledge of content 2. Educational Technology 3. Effective teaching and learning 4. Improving English 5. Andragogy 6. Opportunity to achieve a Higher Degree Search and Identify current initiatives throughout the network Prepare plan for collecting missing information on identified initiatives Identify other initiatives and to add to the database Comprehensive Checklist Instrument Visiting Schools Evaluate for transferability and scalability Prepare for upload into CAITL Re-purpose, modify delivery format, translate, customize, translate Development of new products Page 28
Confidential-DRAFT Next Steps Page 29 SharePoint Site Navigation and Structure Web Art and Design Feed in the data