Mpumalanga Department of Health report on Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Grant 1
2 Quarter 1 expenditure as per economic classification Financial yearBudget allocationActual Expenditure% Expenditure Compensation of Employees Goods and services Capital Transfers Total
Allocation for 2011/12 Comprehensive HIV and AIDS grant budget allocation for 2011/12 is R 489,615,000 First quarter data trends in transfers 2011/12 Monthly expenditure trend for the first quarter 2011/12 APRILMAYJUNEQRT 1 TOTAL R 7,782,000R 48,834,000R 24,742,000R 81,358,000 APRILMAYJUNEQRT 1 TOTAL R 44,712,000 R 134,136,000 3
4 Quarter 1 expenditure as compared to previous financial year Financial year Budget allocationActual Expenditure Variance% Expenditure 2010/11 R 383,646,000 R 94,540,000 R 289,106, /12 R 489,615,000 R 81,358,000 R 408,257,00017
5 List of Programmes identified for financial year 2011/12 NO PROGRAMME/ PROJECT PRIORITY/OBJECTIVE BUDGET ALLOCATION QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE % QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE VARIANCE 1 High Transmission Areas To increase and support STI intervention at High Transmission Areas sites. 8,410, Condom Logistics To prevent new HIV infections by distributing condoms 15,817, HIV Counseling and Testing To promote HIV awareness and encourage HIV testing 32,550,
6 List of Programmes identified for financial year 2011/12 NO PROGRAMME/PR OJECT PRIORITY/OBJECTIVE BUDGET ALLOCATION QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE % QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE VARIANCE 4 Post Exposure Prophylaxis To provide Post Exposure Prophylaxis to health care workers and post victims of sexual assault 788,000 O 0 5 Prevention of mother to child Transmission of HIV Reduce mother to child transmission of HIV infections. 11,042,000 6,784, ,258,000 6Medical Male Circumcision Prevent HIV through male circumcision and promote HCT. 19,500,000 16, ,484,000
7 List of Programmes identified for financial year 2011/12 NO PROGRAMME/P ROJECT PRIORITY/OBJECTIVE BUDGET ALLOCATION QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE % QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE VARIANCE 7 Anti Retroviral treatment To increase ART services and strengthen district health system effectiveness 339,628,000 72, 257, , 371,000 8 Programme Management Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the programme functioning. 21,955,000 1,463,000720,492,000 9Regional Training Centre To strengthen provision and coordination of quality HAST training 28,373, ,000227, 705,000
8 List of Programmes identified for financial year 2011/12 NO PROGRAMME/P ROJECT PRIORITY/OBJECTIVE BUDGET ALLOCATION QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE % QUARTER 1 EXPENDITURE VARIANCE 10 Step Down Care Provide care to patients who no longer require acute nursing but are not ready for full discharge from hospital. 6,705, ,00026, 594,000 11Home community Based Care Provision of health services by formal and informal care givers in the home in order to promote health. 5,635,000 59,00015, 576,000
9 Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12 PROJECT NAME PERFORMA NCE INDICATOR MEASURE MENT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERL Y TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMA NCE VARIANCE EXPLANATI ON High Transmission Areas Number of High Transmission Area (HTA) Sites. Number of sites 64 cumulative 110 Condom Logistics Male condom distribution rate Number of male Condoms distribution rate Good teams at sub- district level Medical Male Circumcision Number of male clients medically circumcised Number of circumcisio ns Shortage of staff in the MMC sites Step Down Care Number of Step Down care facilities Number of facilities ( cumulative) 7110
10 Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12 PROJECT NAME PERFORMA NCE INDICATOR MEASUREM ENT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERL Y TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMA NCE VARIANCE EXPLANATI ON Condom Logistics Male condom distribution rate Number of male Condoms distribution rate Good teams at sub- district level Number of condoms distributed Number on male condoms distributed 30,800,3007,700,0753,087,7634,612,402 Stock was received from the National Department of Health for the 1 st quarter Number of female condoms distributed Stock was not received from the National Department of Health for the 1 st quarter
11 Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12 PROJECT NAME PERFORMA NCE INDICATOR MEASUREM ENT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERL Y TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMA NCE VARIANCE EXPLANATI ON HIV Counseling and Testing Number of clients tested for HIV Number of clients tested 1, months HCT target , 575 Shortage of teams to do outreach to hard to find communitie s e.g. farms HCT Testing rate Testing rate100% 97%3% Shortage of teams to do outreach to hard to find communitie s e.g. farms Number of clients screened for TB Number of clients 1, months HCT target
12 Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12 PROJECT NAME PERFORMA NCE INDICATOR MEASUREM ENT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERLY TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMA NCE VARIANCE EXPLANATI ON Prevention of mother to child Transmission of HIV Proportion of pregnant women tested through Health care PICT Proportion of pregnant women testing for HIV 100% 99.4%0.6% Missed opportunities by clients visiting facility 1 st time when in labour. and by a facility during post delivery care. Antenatal client initiated on AZT during antenatal care rate. AZT uptake rate 100% 95.4%4.6% Baby Nevirapine uptake rate. Baby NVP uptake rate 100% 96%4%
13 PROJECT NAME PERFORMAN CE INDICATOR MEASUREME NT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERLY TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMAN CE VARIANCE EXPLANATIO N Anti Retroviral treatment Number of facilities providing ART (Services Sustained) Number of hospitals 33 0 Number of clinics Number of patients remaining on ART Number of adults (Cumulative figure ) Increased number of ART facilities improved access to service delivery. Number of children (Cumulative figure) 13, Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12
14 Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12 PROJECT NAME PERFORMA NCE INDICATOR MEASUREM ENT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERL Y TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMA NCE VARIANCE EXPLANATI ON Post Exposure Prophylaxis Number of facilities offering PEP services % of hospitals 100% 0 % of PHC clinics offering PEP services 100% 0 Home community Based Care Number of active community caregivers receiving stipends Number of stipends paid
15 Performance indicator and targets 1 st quarter 2011/12 PROJECT NAME PERFORMAN CE INDICATOR MEASUREM ENT UNIT ANNUAL TARGET QUARTERLY TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMA NCE VARIANCE EXPLANATI ON Programme Management Number of management positions filled. Posts filled Slow recruitment processes Regional Training Centre Number of staff trained on HIV&AIDS and other related programmes Number of staff trained Difficulties in getting targeted group due to shortage of staff in facilities. Number of nurses trained on NIMART Number of nurses trained Difficulties in getting targeted group due to shortage of staff in facilities.
16 Challenges and Remedial Steps. CHALLENGESREMEDIAL STEPS Delays in appointment of personnel for the Medical Male Circumcision, High Transmission Areas and for programme management support in the districts and sub-districts. Fast track appointments. Non delivery of condoms to the province due to slow registration of condom suppliers on the provincial data base. Follow up registration of six Condom Suppliers on the provincial data base with Supply Chain. Only one supplier is successfully registered currently. Under expenditure on ART drugs and test kits due to donations. Savings will be shifted to needy programmes within the grant.
17 Monitoring and Evaluation Monthly and quarterly reports required in compliance with DoRA have been submitted to National department of Health on time according to DoRA report time frame. The provincial office receives confirmation of receipt from National Department of Health. The province conducts quarterly reviews of the programme and is also supported by the National Department of Health teams. Sub- programme managers conduct support visits to the facilities
Deviation from business plan None. 18
19 Thank you.