Scaling-up male circumcision programmes in the Eastern and Southern Africa region Country Update Meeting June 2010 Dr Sibongile Dludlu UNAIDS RST/ESA
Overview Background Communications - Strategy Communications - Toolkit
In March 2007, WHO/UNAIDS convened an international consultation and subsequently released policy and programme recommendations on MC and HIV prevention. Eleven conclusions and recommendations were detailed outlining key areas identified by the expert consultation.
3. Communication 3 - Correct communication and messages on MC are critical 3.1 Global, regional and national level communication strategies need to ensure that clear and consistent messages are.….. promoted within the context of comprehensive HIV prevention strategies 3.2 Messages need to be developed to ensure that men opting for the procedure, and where possible, their partners are counselled …. only partially protective and therefore they need to continue to use other effective measures of HIV prevention.
3. Communication 3 - Correct communication and messages on MC are critical 3.3 Messages and counselling should stress that resumption of sexual relations before complete wound healing may increase the risk of acquisition of HIV infection among recently circumcised HIV-negative men…… 3.4 Messages should be carefully tailored, culturally sensitive, draw on local language and symbols, ….. Messages should be addressed to both men and women
Introduction What is male circumcision? The case for scaling up Communication approaches Advocacy Strategic Communication Background documents and other useful links References
Consultations in 2009 Male circumcision communication Review the approaches from other HIV and health communications in the sub-region and determine the lessons for MC scale up. Review the scope, scale, and approaches from MC communications in the sub-region. Development of guidance on strategy development and MC toolkit HIV prevention communication Know Your Epidemic/Know Your Response Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Multiple and Concurrent Partnerships Male Circumcision
GUIDANCE ON DEVELOPING A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR MALE CIRCUMCISION BACKGROUND PURPOSE OVERVIEW OF MALE CIRCUMCISION FOR HIV PREVENTION THE OVERALL APPROACH The Situation Analysis The Conceptual Framework for Male Circumcision Communication Social Ecology Model of Communication and Behaviour Key Messages Steps of planning communications programme
Male Circumcision communications toolkit Background: MC communication in broader HIV prevention Purpose: to help communication specialists –develop strategy (refer to Guidance Document) –implement effective communication for MC Conceptual frameworks Communication programme planning (very detailed steps) Expect in 2 weeks
Thank you Siyabonga