LTS Communities Team Anne Gibson, Programme Manager
The Journey from April 1 st transfer transition one to ones development days
The journey so far priorities gaps policy context reshape business plan integration
What is CLD? Working and Learning Together (WALT) Achievement through learning for young people Engaging with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development and enable them to gain a voice, influence and a place in society.
What is CLD? Achievement through learning for adults Raising standards of achievement in learning for adults through community-based lifelong learning opportunities incorporating the core skills of literacy, numeracy, communications, working with others, problem-solving and information communications technology (ICT).
What is CLD? Achievement through building community capacity Building community capacity and influence by enabling people to develop the confidence, understanding and skills required to influence decision making and service delivery
Communities Team Work with young people team Work with adults team Community capacity building team
Capacity Building team Colin team leader Vince Moore Peter Lannigan New DO New Upskilling DO
Priorities Draft business plan – consultation Outcomes focussed (Colin) Launch event September 28 th Partnerships Geographic links / Area Advisers / HMIE – support BCC at local level ‘Let’s prove it’
Policy Context CLD contributes to the achievement of a range of national outcomes and policies: MCMC; 16 + Activity Agreements; Early Years Framework; ALNIS; GIRFEC; Community Safety; Health Improvement; Sustainable Development
Key Partners Scottish Government – complex HMIE National Agencies CLDMS Local Authorities – CLD Partnerships and ALN contacts Voluntary Sector Standards Council
Key Outcomes: Work with young people: The youth work sector is recognised and recognises itself as a key contributor in the delivery of Scottish Government policy, particularly CfE The outcomes for Scotland’s young people have been improved through the development and impact of effective schools and youth work partnerships. Work with children, young people and families
Key Outcomes Work with Communities The Communities Team has established a lead role for LTS in policy implementation and practice development for community capacity building, with a focus on effective partnership working The CLD sector is recognised as having a key role in building strong, resilient and supportive communities and provides effective feedback into relevant areas of policy development
Key Outcomes: Work with Adults: The Communities Team, has established a lead role for LTS in policy implementation and practice development for adult learning with a focus on effective partnership working, Practitioners receive high quality leadership and support to improve adult literacies and ESOL learning and teaching lies
Cross Cutting Themes health and well being literacy and numeracy inclusion citizenship learner voice Curriculum for Excellence (community development significant) Sustainable development inclusion Work with children, young people and families
Integration Bridging the Gap Literacies Conference Literacies Commission Action Plan Health and Well Being Global Citizenship Assessment and achievement
Bringing a CLD dimension to LTS work programmes Glow – Pilot programme Website development – working group MCMC Recognising Achievement CfE BtC4 and senior phase
New Developments: family learning work with parents inter-generational work early intervention transitions – 16+activity agreement pilots. senior phase exemplifications
Challenges: LTS infrastructure integration v bolt on support for LTS -external reference group stakeholder engagement and raising awareness internally changed role and expectations government policy Work with children, young people and families
Over to You: thoughts questions ideas Work with children, young people and families