7 th Grade Civics Mrs. Braun
THANKS!!! Thank you for any donations, supplies donated, and for being here tonight. Thank you in advance for your continued support throughout the year!
ABOUT THE TEACHER Originally from Michigan. Graduated from Oakland University – Michigan Has her Gifted and ESOL Endorsements Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Married – has two children.
The Curriculum American Citizenship Federal Government State Government Local Government Elections Parties Pressure Groups US Economy A Closer look at: Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution 3 Branches of Government City and County government services Demographic groups for elections Global Issues
Tests Given at the end of chapters to check understanding (summative) Notes important Vocabulary Semester 1 - LEOC from County 20% Semester 2 – EOC from State 30%
Students must pass an “End of Course” examination in order to get credit for this class, regardless of what grades they have earned over the previous 3 quarters. Course Grade — Each student’s performance on the Civics EOC Assessment must constitute 30 percent of the student’s final course grade. The method for applying this requirement will be determined and applied by each school district. For information regarding Senate Bill 1076 implementation and requirements pertaining to the Civics EOC Assessment, please see the following document: K-12 Technical Assistance FAQ for Senate Bill 1076 posted at EOC
Projects “Dear King George” Letter Make Your Case Court Simulation Animal Farm
Grading Policy Tests/Projects/Quizzes: 80% Class Work/Homework/Current Event: 20%
Teacher Communication Phone call Conference
Address on my web site also