ESOL provision in England Recent government policy, sector response and the ESOL Manifesto Elaine Williamson ESOL lecturer
Overview of session Proposed reforms to ESOL in England under the Coalition government How teachers and students responded – the Action for ESOL campaign The ESOL Manifesto – offered for your comments and discussion
How does this session link to the theme of the day? ESOL provides vital language/literacy education, facilitating progression to work and HE Teaches language for day to day living and survival Promotes ‘citizenship’ – rights, responsibilities, the law Provides language qualifications (often linked to above) Helps learners socialize into a new culture Fosters political participation ESOL in the context of work and study: Preparing learners for participation
ESOL in England English language education for a diverse range of migrants, including settled communities, newly arrived spouses, refugees, asylum seekers, migrant workers Provision in FE colleges, by local authorities, community, voluntary sector, workplace, prisons, private providers Most is state funded / co-funded
Policy history Prior to 2001 ESOL had a chequered history – Skills for Life 2009 – Community cohesion and disassociation with Skills for Life 2010 – still funded but in ‘no mans land’
Initial Coalition government proposal Full funding only to be available for those ‘actively seeking work’ on Jobseekers Allowance and Employment Support Allowance benefits For others ESOL co-funded No funding for ESOL training in the workplace Removal of learner support fund Loss of programme weighting
Figures and impact AoC survey on ESOL (2010) 187,000 ESOL learners in England (a conservative estimate) 55% have additional literacy and numeracy basic skills needs 99,000 learners likely to be affected by the cuts 74% of those affected will be women (80% in London) Inevitable job losses
Sector response National campaign Action for ESOL: teachers, students, NATECLA, Refugee Council, NIACE, UCU and others Action for ESOL web site 1000’s of letters to MP’s by students Petition 20,000 signatures National day of action: London, Nottingham, Brighton, Manchester etc Local events Press coverage – BBC, The Guardian, Independent, TES, Radio 4 Letters of support
Government response Equalities Impact Assessment Short term change of policy – fee remission for students on most benefits August policy change too late for some losses Provision secured for 2012 then 2013 Future undecided
What emerged from the campaign? As a sector we identified: Reprieve for ESOL was short lived Contrasting understanding of ESOL government/policy makers and teachers Other issues to address: – lack of sustainable funding – ESOL as a distinct area of practice – language as a right – professionalism – pedagogy – access to a range of provision
The ESOL Manifesto
Collaboration between 60+ ESOL teachers and other interested parties ‘A statement of our beliefs and values’ Makes some demands of policy makers and also of practitioners
Next step: To share this with you and ask for your thoughts Identify any parallels/differences in provision in your own area of work Opportunity to discuss issues in your own area of work Ask for your input about how we might take this forward
Five themes: 1.Funding and the right to learn 2.Language, community and diversity 3.ESOL identity 4.Teacher professionalism 5.Pedagogy
1.Funding and the right to learn – Removing financial barriers to participation – joined-up thinking between different government departments and providers – a statutory entitlement to ESOL? – Free ESOL for all?
2. Language, community and diversity – Language provision for full participation in society (not just employment) – Recognising and valuing multilingualism – Responding to diversity in ESOL learners and their motivation (incl. migrant workers) – Need for a wide range of levels
3. ESOL identity – Is ESOL a distinct area of practice? – Support infrastructure to attend e.g. Childcare – High quality advice and guidance – Women with children – access to more than community based provision and family learning
4. Teacher professionalism – Pay, contracts and working conditions – Marginalization and casualization of the workforce – Ongoing opportunities for teachers to develop practice including a ‘communities of practice’ approach – A well funded research community – More BME teachers – Teachers have a right and responsibility to engage with political and policy issues
5. Pedagogy – Research should involve a dialogue between practice and research institutions – Prescribed central curricula can be proscriptive – A one size fits all model doesn’t fit – An over emphasis on examination and qualifications for funding purposes – Holism of ESOL “language education is about the whole person – about taking charge of their lives, active and critical participation in all aspects of life – the classroom and beyond”
Task: Select a theme of interest In groups: What do you think of the points raised by the manifesto? Are there any parallels/differences with your own practice? What are the issues in your own field of practice? What should the AfE campaign do with the manifesto now?
Five themes: 1.Funding and the right to learn 2.Language, community and diversity 3.ESOL identity 4.Teacher professionalism 5.Pedagogy