United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE, MDG-Monitoring and Gender UNECE UNECE Work Session on Gender Statistics Geneva,


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Presentation transcript:

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE, MDG-Monitoring and Gender UNECE UNECE Work Session on Gender Statistics Geneva, March 2012

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 UN Millennium Declaration : Development and Poverty eradication  Adopted Unanimously by 152 heads of states present at the General Assembly in September 2000 at the Millennium Summit  Largest international effort to reduce poverty  Main output: Initiation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme poverty

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Eight Millennium Development Goals:  Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty  Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education  Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women  Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality  Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health  Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases  Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability  Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 Millennium Development Goals  Targets  Indicators  For each Goal, Targets are set and Indicators to measure: Targets (21): Quantification of the goal Indicators (60 ‘official’): measurement of progress towards Targets  Disaggregation/subcategories (e.g. urban/rural, male/female)  Base year: situation in 1990, Deadline 2015  MDGs are interrelated and gender component important in nearly all Goals

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 UNECE Regional MDG-database  Due to differences in definitions, methods, primary data sources etc., multiple estimates exist for most indicators  UNECE MDG-database: Official National estimates and official international estimates  Sources: official national MDG-reports and official UN monitoring framework  Additional regional indicators agreed upon by expert representatives from member states  If disaggregated data available (>4 countries), e.g. by sex, rural/urban, age groups

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 UNECE Regional MDG-database: Gender indicators  Focus Goal 3 on Gender, indicators: 3.1c Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment 3.1b Gender Parity Index in secondary level enrolment 3.1c Gender Parity Index in tertiary level enrolment 3.2 Share of women in wage employment in the non- agricultural sector 3.3 Seats held by women in national parliament, percentage  Other MDGs with Gender component or focus on women: 2.3b Women to men parity index, as ratio of literacy rates, years old Goal 5: Improve maternal health (12 indicators)

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 UNECE Regional MDG-database: coverage indicators MDG Goal 3 (Countries)

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 UNECE Regional MDG-database: coverage indicators MDG Goal 3 (datapoints)

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9 UNECE Regional MDG-database: indicators by sex  If 4 countries or more report an MDG indicator (incl. additional/regional indicators) by sex, it will be included in the UNECE Regional MDG-database  Indicators currently available by sex : 1.5 Employment-to-population ratio 1.7 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment Youth unemployment rate, aged Ratio of youth unemployment rate to adult unemployment rate Share of youth unemployed in total unemployed Share of youth unemployed in youth population 2.1 Total net enrolment ratio in primary education 2.2a Percentage of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary 2.2b Primary completion rate 2.3a Literacy rates of years old 6.1 HIV prevalence rate 6.2 Condom use at last high-risk sex, years old 6.3 Men and Women years old with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 10 UNECE Regional MDG-database: % of countries reporting on Gender related MDGs

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 11 UNECE regional MDG database: Data coverage  129 Indicators of which: 39 by sex (13 total, 13 male, and 13 female) 6 male/female ratios 12 female population  16 other potential indicators to disaggregate

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 12 Share of countries reporting on official MDGs

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 13 Several other Gender related indicators used in National MDG monitoring: -Proportion of women community heads,% -Ratio of unemployment rate of women to the unemployment rate of men -Share of male and female school leavers entering first year of university -Share of women holding managerial positions in economic and social life -Ratio of literate women to men, 15–24 years old -Proportion of females holding the post of minister and deputy minister -Proportion of females in local elected government bodies -Proportion of females employed in the civil service, at four highest levels of office -Proportion of females at decision making positions in judicial system -Percentage of budget allocated to gender equality -Percentage of budget allocated to prevent gender based violence -Number of registered gender based violence cases -Women to men wage gap -Gender ratio among the higher-level civil servants (1–2 categories), number of women/number of men -Ratio of average wages between women and men; Introduction of gender sensitive education into curricula and programmes -Strengthening women economically; Harmonisation of private and professional life -Target: Reduce gender disparities in life expectancy and approximate life expectancy levels to the European average -Average pre-tax salary in lats (men/women) -Poverty risk index (men/women) -Persons elected to municipal councils (%) (men/women) -Proportion of women at the head of companies or agencies -Employment rate for women/Unemployment rate for women -Share of women in ministerial positions in the Government -Share of women in the position of president of municipalities -Share of women in the position of councillor in local parliaments -Registered women's unemployment -Women's unemployment in % -Share of women in the employed population -Women't participation in the executive branch of government -Ratio of literate women to men, 15–24 years old -Target: Eliminate the disproportion between the incomes of men and women -Share of seats in local councils held by women -Share of seats in district councils held by women -Share of mayoral seats held by women -Share of female employees by type of economic activity -Share of women's average salary compared to men's average salary -Disparity in income -Comparison of non-commercial activities sectors employing women and men -Proportion of women in Government -Proportion of women in government at local level -Average wages by gender in selected sectors of the economy

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 14 UNECE Regional MDG Database, Main Page: w3.unece.org/pxweb/

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 15 UNECE MDG Database of official estimates: Goal 3, Target 3.A

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 16 Thank you Further Info MDGs:

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 17 Gender MDGs, progress & achievements in Caucasus and Central Asia:  Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women  Target: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015  3.1 Gender Parity Index (Target: ) primary level enrolment: met (98), but currently lower than in 1990 secondary level enrolment: met (98), but currently lower than in 1990 tertiary level enrolment: over shoot (107)  3.2 Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector: Slight increase from 44 in 1990 to 45 in 2009 but not far from parity  3.3 Seats held by women in national parliament, percentage: Increased from 7% in 1990 to 16% in 2009 but still far short of parity

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 18 Resolution 55/2 - United Nations Millennium Declaration: MDGs and Gender  ‘11. We will spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty, to which more than a billion of them are currently subjected. We are committed to making the right to development a reality for everyone and to freeing the entire human race from want’  ’20. To promote gender equality and the empowerment of women as effective ways to combat poverty, hunger and disease and to stimulate development that is truly sustainable’