The Empire Strikes Back Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain
England to Great Britain William and Mary- joint monarchs Brought the English in with the Dutch against France Act of Toleration- religious Catholics couldn’t vote, hold office or attend university William exercised strong leadership but was limited by parliament when they thought he was crossing the line Standing army
England gains the upper hand Formidable power on the seas Able to gain momentum over France after long wars 1707 England and Scotland become one kingdom A strong army and navy was necessary and by 1770 the army had 200,000 troops Financial burden
The Georges George I and George II didn’t speak English well and they were more worried about their German holdings in Hanover Parliament gained a lot of power Sir Robert Walpole becomes the “1 st prime minister” Britain gains power in India
Contrast in Political Thought Hbbes- Leviathan- Man is by nature selfish and ambitious and without restraint would remain in a perpetual battle with his fellows The weak are more cunning and the strong are more stupid Life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. A strong sovereign is necessary and all must submit to the authority or we would fall into chaotic anarchy A contract of submission
Locke’s On Civil Government Tabula rasa Applying reason to politics Three basic rights: life, liberty and property Sovereign power must be checked by an assembly of the people Only those with a tangible stake in the country (propertied people) should have a say in government Power to overthrow the sovereign Concerned with the individual vs. the state
France Worn out from fighting the British Louis started to lose territories The War of Spanish Succession Many claimants to the Spanish throne after the death of Spain’s Charles II Charles had chosen Louis’ Grandson Phillip Louis had to agree not to unite the French and Spanish empires but he refused William and Leopold created the Grand Alliance which then declared war on France Previous line
After The Sun King Great debts Luis XV was weak Neighbors took advantage and waged war Parliament and clergy fought to limit control of the monarch France was able to hold it together and gain in population and empire
Austria The Hapsburgs- Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I: Austria, Bohemia, parts of Hungary and Italy Religious and talented in the arts After the 30 years war he could no longer rule over the princes that owed him nominal allegiance Most of the nobility were non-native Absolutism with a strong independent nobility
Prussia Short Quiz on Tuesday