The Background of World War I
M.A.I.N. M= Militarism government policy of investing in military, strengthening armed forces, and pursuit of military ideals A= Alliances association of groups, people, or nations who agree to cooperate to achieve a common goal I= Imperialism policy of extending political, military, or economic domination/ influence of a country over other countries or colonies N= Nationalism devotion to a nation and its interests, often associated with a belief that one country is superior to all others, desire for political independence
Militarism Arms race: France, Germany, Russia, and Great Britain expand military & add newest technology/weapons due to Industry (armies of both France and Germany had more than doubled between 1870 and 1914 ) Competition for control of the seas: Britain and Germany expand navy & challenge for naval supremacy
Alliances Multiple alliances signed by countries between the years 1879 and Triple Alliance (1882)= Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy - Triple Entente (1907)= Britain, France, Russia Importance: countries had no option but to declare war if one of their allies declared war or were attacked
Imperialism In 1870 European nations increase political & economic power in Africa (Scramble for Africa) and in Asia Russia followed Pan-Slavism into conflict in the Balkans (Congress of Berlin) British Empire extended over five continents France had control of large areas of Africa Germany only had small areas of Africa Lands 'owned' by Britain and France increase rivalry/competition with Germany
Nationalism Nationalist movements led to Italian unification in 1861 Nationalist movements led to German unification in 1871 Austria-Hungary and Serbia were home to differing nationalist groups due to various ethnic groups Impact: Groups wanted freedom/independence.