Greek Peninsula Geography Vocabulary Geography influences development Greek Gods Great Athenians
3 Crete
4 Answer 2
5 The Peloponnesus
6 Answer 3
7 The Aegean Sea
8 Answer 4
9 Attica
10 Answer 5
11 Athens
12 Land suitable for agriculture
13 Arable
14 Greek suffix for “love”
15 Phile
16 English adjective derived from a Greek City State meaning “without luxury.”
17 Spartan
18 Greek term for an independent city and the surrounding farm land (we also use the term “city state.”)
19 Polis
20 Adjective describing a society dominated by men.
21 Patriarchal
22 Geographic features that helped each city state retain its independence
23 Mountains
24 Easy access to this geographic feature allowed Greek city states to engage in far-flung trading.
25 The Sea
26 What Greek city states founded when their population outgrew their arable land.
27 Colonies
28 Term for a sea-based trading empire.
29 Thalossocracy
30 The protective seas surrounding this island allowed the Minoan civilization to flourish and build a magnificent palace at Knossos.
31 Crete
32 King of the Gods
33 Zeus
34 Jealous Queen of the Gods and Goddess of marriage
35 Hera
36 Goddess of Wisdom
37 Athena
38 The Greeks believed his chariot pulled the Sun across the sky.
39 Apollo
40 Goddess of Hunting
41 Artemis
42 Ruled Athens during the Golden Age
43 Pericles
44 Athenian tyrant that Han Fei Zi would have loved because he ordered harsh punishments for criminals
45 Draco
46 Athenian who created the sculpture of Athena in the Parthenon
47 Phidias
48 Athenian tyrant who abolished debt slavery.
49 Solon
50 Great philosopher who taught by asking questions. He eventually was ordered to drink hemlock by his fellow citizens.
51 Socrates