Chapter 19: Islam and Asia
Warm Up Chapter 18 1.Chartered companies were A.Private investors with trade monopolies in colonies B.Maritime manufactures of maps and charts C.Companies of missionaries and religious societies D.Groups of Amerindian investors who pooled money and resources 2.The expansion of sugar plantations in the West Indies required A.Increase in arable land B.Increase in African slave trade C.Creation of new markets among the Amerindians D.Government consultants to oversee farming 3.Manumission permitted slaves to A.Sell their surplus produce or goods from their own work B.Have time off during certain religious holidays C.Purchase or receive their freedom from slavery D.Marry and not have families separated 4.The clockwise network of trade in the Atlantic was the A.Continental Trade Route B.Reverse Option Market C.European Circuit D.Atlantic Circuit 5. Mercantilism: 6. What did capitalism bring to the New World? 7. Explain what “goods” were traded along the Triangle Trade “Atlantic Circuit”
I. Ottoman Empire to 1750 – A. Expansion and Frontiers – Osman established the Ottoman Empire in 1300 in northwest Anatolia. He and successors captured the Byzantine capital of Constantinople and established a general border with Iran – Egypt and Syria, Algeria and Tunis, Belgrade and Rhodes all were added to the Ottoman Empire – Ottomans fought with Venice for 200 years and forced the Venetians to pay a tribute. – Ottomans fought with Muslims merchants to drive out Portuguese in the Red Sea
Osman I
– B. Central Institutions – Ottomans forced Balkan Christian men to fight: calling them Janissaries – Janissaries fought on foot and were armed with guns – Military class was the only class exempt from taxation – The sultan supplied justice and defense for the commoners (raya) and the commoners supplied taxes to support the military. – &feature=related &feature=related
– C. Crisis of Military State – Janissaries impact on society: – become more important and larger however firearms were very expensive – Calvary decreased as firearms become more prevalent – The use of short term mercenaries brought rebellions – Janissaries begin to overtake empire by marrying, starting businesses, and enrolling sons in Janissary corps
– D. Economic Change and Growing Weakness – Sultan secluded himself and the Janissaries became political elite – Europeans were finding other countries to trade with: overland trade had declined with Mongol fall – Europeans were overlooking Ottoman Empire in trade
II. Safavid Empire – A. The Rise of the Safavids – Ismail declared himself shah of Iran in 1502 and ordering all followers Shi’ite Muslims – Iran (Shi’ite) became increasingly tense with its Sunni neighbors – B. Tale of Two Cities: Isfahan and Istanbul – Istanbul was a busy port city: location gave it a great cosmopolitan character with much business – Isfahan was an inland city with few Europeans: location was inland and was not a cosmopolitan city – Women in both cities were confined to the home – &feature=related &feature=related
Ismail I
– C. Economic Crises and Population Collapse – Manufactures included silk and carpets with small productivity – The expense of firearms forced the Safavids to establish a slave corp of soldiers – Decline of overland trade brought the capture of Isfahan in 1722 – Safavids also never had a navy and relied on English and Dutch for naval support
III. Mughal Empire – A. Political Foundations – Babur and Akbar establish this empire – Mughal empire relied on Europeans to be their navy sJ4M&feature=related sJ4M&feature=related
– B. Central Decay and Regional Challenges – Cities were regionalized and could not unite: schism between Hindu and Muslim was still very apparent, Akbar attempted to appease each religion – French intruded and dominated the trade in India – Factors: land grant system, failure to unite cities, and rise of regional powers – Mughal empire broke into regional powers
IV. Maritime Worlds of Islam – A. Muslims in Southeast Asia – Islam spread throughout these countries by water trade – The people of these countries developed Islam to their own understanding – B. European Powers and Southern Seas – Dutch drove out Portuguese in Malacca in 1641 and established their colonial capital at Batavia (Jakarta) – European merchants came to Southeast Asia. – Dutch could not control monopoly on spice and turned to lumber and coffee.
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