HTML (Hypertext Markup Language )
Hyperlinks Hyperlinks from text to other sites Write the link, which is visible at the screen Example: Hyperlink to
Hyperlink to inner page Hyperlink to page vreme.html from the site Text hyperlinks to pages from the same site Index.htmlpage1.html Main directory Subdirectory- folder1 page2.html 1 Hyperlink to page1.html from the initial page index.html 2 Hyperlink to page2.html, placed at folder1, from the initial page index.html 3 Hyperlink to page index.html from page2.html, pklaced at folder
Text hyperlinks to parts from the same page example: Hyperlink to label1 This is visible on the screen label1
Text hyperlinks to е-mail address and files at FTP server Hyperlink to address Hyperlink to file from FTP server Hyperlink to file in format pdf from FTP server
Hyperlinks, which are open in new window Attribute target target="_blank" Hyperlink to, which will be opened in new window Hyperlinks at the same or determined window target =“ _self “ (by default) target=“_somename"
Changing the color of text hyperlinks the hyperlink’s color is changed by attributes link – determine the color of unvisited hyperlinks alink - determine the color of hyperlinks at the moment of clicking on them vlink - determine the color of already visited hyperlinks Example:
Using images for hyperlinks image: “image.jpg”