Adding Hyperlinks To a Web Page
Hyperlink and Its Add-Ons Main way to connect web pages and move throughout a web site. Uses the Anchor Tag which is a set. Must have the href add-on (Hypertext Reference) will appear as The text after the is the Target or Active Hyperlink & will become the color Blue and Underline. After Clicking, the link it turn Purple.
2 Categories of Hyperlinks: External – going off your page (linking) to: –the Net, Files, Other Pages and/or an . Internal/Page – staying on your page (linking) to: –Different Sections, Areas and/or Locations on the Same Page
(External) Link to the Net Word to be linked The URL has to be the exact address including the example: Yahoo!
Coloring Hyperlinks The browser will use the default colors of blue for unvisited links and purple for visited links To Set Hyperlink Colors – simply add to the tag: ~link for Unvisited website (before you click) ~vlink for Visited website (after you’ve clicked) ~alink for Active (roll-over the link) Combo of text, background & hyperlink colors:
Finish the Following Exercise 10 & 11 Project Project Sketch MicroType Pro
Linking to Pages or Files (Relative Links) Relative (URL) Link means - All Pages/Files must be in the Same Location. Simply type the and the WebPageName.html or File’sName.ext Example: Marqueeplay
To make the Web Page Open in a Different Browser Window: put the add-on target=“_blank” after the url in the anchor tag. example: Yahoo! –Must use when linking to the Net Linking & Opening in a Different Browser Window
Hyperlink using an Image or Image Link 1 st Find & Save the Image. 2 nd Use the hyperlink tag as normal but instead of words put the Image source tag. Example: There will be a Blue Border to show this image is a hyperlink.
Image Link Cont’ To remove the border, add-on border = 0 to the Thumbnail is Smaller-Sized Image that links to a larger-sized image
Link to an Automatically launch the user’s application, open a new outgoing message and address it to a specific . Uses mailto: along with your address Such as address or word to be linked example:
Absolute Linking Means your files and/or your folders don’t have to be in the same location because you will tell the computer where to find them by giving the “Exact” Location. This type of linking requires: the Drive’s Name ( a:\ or c:\ or e:\ or f:\), the Folder’s Name AND the Web Page.html or Filename.ext
Absolute Linking Cont’ Appearance Each are followed by \ Me drive folder webpage
Don’t Forget to Combine When Possible