DEAN apprenticeship Network DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 DEAN means: digital edition apprenticeship network
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 Cooperative networks as educative methodology To shape cooperative network into the structure of an apprenticeship networking. 3 Initial nodes at start. We shall call them DEAN GROUP (Spain, Greece, Turkey) In each country other nodes will join. We shall call them ASSOCIATTED NODES.
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 Strengths of the associated nodes initiative providing the interest on computers and the use they have. interact with other comrades through the net is welcomed volunteers awake to any offer to work on the net. working on a subject which differs completely from what they do in classroom.learners are prepared to trespass school walls and seek for new opportunities to learn.
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 Difficulties to integrate associated Nodes The structure of schools and social and training centres, carry out uneven initiatives drawn from outside the school. Few staff is understanding to the fact of having diversity learning offers to their students within the school. I highlight the difficulty we often find to build up any educative structure which differs from that set down in the curriculum.
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 Student profile In our case the students voluntarily accepted to work in the project and to develop on following tasks. These students follow a special curriculum due to their low achievements and results. Their profile dont fit into the normal scheme of a current high school pupil
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 Previous schema of the Apprenticeship Networks G T S
S AN3 AN1 AN2 DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 The Aldesoc Associated nodes
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 Associates nodes of Aldesoc: AN1IES (Madrid High school) AN2 Centro de Dia Pachamama (Madrid Social Centre) AN3El Vallado (Central Didáctica, Cali - Colombia)
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 AN1 IES (Madrid High school) IES Avenida de los Toreros is a high school located in Madrid (Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria, Avenida de los Toreros). We have formed a group of 7 pupils, of about 15 years old, 2hours per week. These students are finishing the E:S:O: (Secondary Compulsory Education). At the end of ESO (4th year) each student will get a basic certificate of studies. Our proposal was welcomed by the Principal of the school who immediately introduced us to the teacher in charge to collaborate with us in the project. We shall be running the activities in the computing room, including equipment maintenance, where each pupil will have a computer and will share scanners and digital cameras. The time of the project will last 1 year.
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 AN2 Centro de Dia Pachamama (Madrid Social Centre) The second associated node is (Pachamama a day centre, where training, social and cultural activities are delivered. The beneficiaries are mainly migrant women. The centre gives us an opportunity to work either with the technical staff or with the migrant women. The time to develop the work will last 3 and a half months. The Head of the centre argued that it was very difficult to keep an activity longer due to the mobility of the migrant population. There will be 6 women with basic knowledge on computing and English. Were negotiating a whole year course. We shall likely begin in May.
DEAN Project : Aldesoc : Izmir Meeting 2009 AN3El Vallado (Central Didáctica, Cali-Colombia) Weve talked with the responsible of Didactic Centre El Vallado in Cali - Colombia, in order to create a node within the Didactic Centre. El Vallado is a social centre sponsored by a large non profit Colombian organization called Carvajal Foundation. This node will become part of the Programme of the Opportunity on Education through new technologies for America (POET). The Didactic Centre develops training and educative activities amid children and younger belonging to social excluded neighbourhoods.