An Introduction to St. Louis Fed Data Services 1.FRED – data base of national and regional economic series. 1.Major expansion of regional data since last summer 2.Now have 19,158 data series available! 2.New Services 1.FREDGraph 2.GeoFRED Step 2 Open Internet Explorer (or any other Web browser) to:
Copying your Graph Right click on the graph image (medium size works well for Powerpoint) From the pop-up menu choose “Copy” Open Powerpoint (or Word, or any program that you want) From the Edit menu choose “Paste” [or Ctrl-V]
Graph pasted into Lecture Slides
But what about next semester?
Creating Hyperlinks to Graphs Open a Graph stored in your FRED account Internet Explorer: –Highlight the URL and Copy [Ctrl C] Firefox: –Right Click on the graph image –Select: “Copy Image Location” On Powerpoint slide: –Select “Insert” From Insert menu select “Hyperlink” –Paste [Ctrl V] URL into “Address” area and replace “https” with “http” –Edit “Text to Display” as desired –Click on “OK”
Using Hyperlinks Growth of GNP/GDP Annual Data Employment Growth Daily AAA Rate