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Create a new page named ImportWord.htm Preferences Paste Special ◦ Create Word2007 document ◦ Mess with fonts, styles,… ◦ Select, copy all ◦ Close Word ◦ Paste special into ImportWord.htm page ◦ Why? May have existing content as Word docs
Practice to importword.htm Importword.htm to practice.htm
Rulers We often limit the width of a page, not height Picture elements Common width is 1024 pixels What is width of our monitors? ◦ Personalize ◦ Don’t design width to be 1024, or 800 Chrome Use 780 width for assumed 800 x 600 resolution
Page Properties ◦ Make background of picture.htm be yellow ◦ Assign a name
Serif vs. sans serif Verdana, Georgia common Indent/outdent options Spell check Headings 1-6
Files CSS Behaviors Management
Select your HelloWorld image 72 pixels/inch Make it 300 pixels wide ◦ Ps button ◦ File>Save when done resizing ◦ Units: Pixels Aspect ratio stayed the same
Another way to link pages Open practice page Type “Home” Select it Click anchor tool Target options ◦ _blank …page opens in new window ◦ _self …page replaces current one
Use Word to create a new pdf document Save in Classwork/Images Close Word On practice.htm page, type View pdf Link the words to your pdf Linking to a graphic ◦ Don’t!! ◦ Add the graphic to a page and link to the page
To present tabular data For layout Practice page ◦ 2 columns, 5 rows ◦ 80% of page ◦ Border 5 pixels ◦ Cell padding and cell spacing 2 pixels each ◦ Browser defaults are padding, border=1, spacing =2 ◦ Make BG be a light blue ◦ Select a cell and change the font to Comic Sans
That’s it for the workspace/Interface Let’s do something a bit more elaborate next