Sexually Exploited Minors/ Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (SEM/CSEC) Overview Presentation January 13, 2011 CAC Roundtable Presentation Sacramento,


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Presentation transcript:

Sexually Exploited Minors/ Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (SEM/CSEC) Overview Presentation January 13, 2011 CAC Roundtable Presentation Sacramento, CA Interagency Children’s Policy Council 1000 San Leandro Blvd., 3 rd floor San Leandro, CA 9577 Barbara Loza-Muriera, Program Specialist ICPC Alameda County

What is CSEC? The commercial sexual exploited of children (CSEC) is:  Sexual activity involving a child in exchange for something of value, or promise thereof, to the child or another person or persons;  The child is treated as a commercial and sexual object;  CSEC is a form of violence against children. ~ CSEC Community Intervention Project Training Institute curriculum, Module I: What is CSEC? GEMS 2009

CSEC Includes  Street prostitution  Pornography  Stripping  Erotic/nude massage  Escort services  Phone sex lines  Private parties  Gang-based prostitution  Interfamilial pimping  Forms of internet-based exploitation ~ CSEC Community Intervention Project Training Institute curriculum, Module I: What is CSEC? GEMS 2009

Intersections of Abuse  Child Sexual Abuse Any sexual activity with a child where consent is not or cannot be given. The sexually abusive acts may include penetrations, creation of pornographic images, sexual touching, or non-contact acts such as exposure to voyeurism.  Sexual Exploitation of Children Taking unfair advantage of the imbalance of power between an adult and a youth or a child under the age of 18 for the express purpose of sexual pleasure.  Commercial Sexual Exploitation Sexual activity involving a child in exchange for something of value…the child is treated as a commercial object.  Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) DMST consists of all forms of CSEC involving a third party that profits from the sexual activity with a child originating from the country in which the activity occurs. ~ CSEC Community Intervention Project Training Institute curriculum, Module I: What is CSEC? GEMS 2009

Defining child victims of sexual human trafficking in the U.S.  Any child under the age of 18 that is used for the purpose of exploitation through sexual servitude, regardless of the absence of economic leverage, manipulation, fraud, coercion, threats, force and violence is considered a commercially sexually exploited child (CSEC) under the law Source: Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) 2000, (Public Law ) MISSSEY Inc., Presentation 2008

Profile of CSEC served in Alameda County  Has a history of abuse and/or neglect; has experienced multiple traumas leading up to their exploitation;  Displays symptoms of PTSD, Stockholm Syndrome—and traits similar to a domestic violence victim;  Often appears to be resistant to services;  Most are system(s) involved youth (Foster Care and/or Juvenile Justice)

Other vulnerabilities for immigrant populations : Parents have PTSD issues from surviving genocide, bombings and war (--which impacts the youth) Intergenerational gap / intercultural gape between American born children and parents / older family members. Living significantly below the poverty level and exposed to high levels of neighborhood violence. Lack of education around exploitation, understanding of abuse Lack of information related to victim’s services. Fear of authoritarian figures and law enforcement— “Under the radar” and not generally engaged with the system Information excerpted from “Medical Case Studies of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children”, Kimberly Chang, MD Asian Health Services & Elizabeth Sy, Banteay Srei—presented Nov 30, 2009,Oakland, CA. Note: While the presentation dealt with specifically Southeast Asian youth, it is evident that youth with other immigrant backgrounds and cultural family histories experience similar vulnerabilities.

Did you know?  Multiple studies estimate that 70-90% of sexually exploited children have a history of child sexual abuse.  NISMART estimates that 1.6 million children run away from home each year in the US…one in three teens will be recruited by a pimp within 48 hours of leaving home and becoming homeless.  The average age of entry into the commercial sex industry in the U.S. is 12 year old. ~ CSEC Community Intervention Project Training Institute curriculum, Module I: What is CSEC? GEMS 2009

Local CSEC Facts Following information was gathered during the screening process from 200+ girls participating in MISSSEY. Demographics  98% of participants female  68% African American  14% Latina  8% White  6% Asian  5 were born in other countries (4 Latin America and one from Thailand)  23% identified as a sexual minority (gay/lesbian/bisexual and questioning)

Local CSEC Facts, cont’d Health and Mental Health Mental and overall health problems are 2–5 times higher than in the general population of adolescents.  25% of youth had a history of suicide attempts that required hospitalization  52% had serious drug abuse problems  16% had been pregnant or had children  25% of the group were clinically depressed*  3% of the youth are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder*  4% of youth are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder   This data represents a group of commercially sexually exploited youth that were served through WestCoast Children’s Clinic’s Screening, Stabilization and Transition program.

Sexually Abused Commercially Exploited Youth / Safe Place Alternative (SACEY/SPA)  First Responder /Crisis Response (24-7)  Advocacy (1-2 wks with on-going Advocacy available through-out)  Case Management / Clinical Case Management (8-12 months and up)  SPA drop-in services (at the FJC)  Transitional Aged / Resource Services (18 and over)  Street Outreach (mobile)  Prevention and Intervention training and education (in-kind)  Collaborative CSEC Case Review (facilitated by local Child Advocacy Center) *Funded through City of Oakland Measure Y; leveraged through EPSDT, OJJDP grant and other County support.

Youth outcomes we’ve seen when youth are stabilized and engaged in services  65% reduction in drug and alcohol consumption  75% access stable housing  90% re-enrolled in school  80% increase school attendance  60% complete their probation  50% not re-arrested  90% connect with therapeutic mental health services  60% not re-victimized *Based on SACEY/SPA individual client case review 06-09

What we know from current practice  Stabilization of SEM/CSEC increases the likelihood of effective placements, completion of probation period, reinstatement into school and reconnection to the community. “Three quarters of our job is supporting placement— assisting youth to make it work, to stay in placement.” ~SACeY/SPA Staff

Youth Outcomes  Stabilization—slowing down the entry and exit from the system(s).  Re-engagement w/school, educational opportunities  Many youth who receive specialized, SEM/CSEC focused services have better outcomes when they re-enter the system, as they are better prepared/oriented to receive services and stay in placement. “ We are providing legitimate re-entry into the public system that they are missing from…” ~~MISSSEY,Inc “We know that Mastery is one of the BeST ways tO help youth recover from Trauma” ~~Youth Radio

Systems Interface: Where it’s making a difference Probation:  SEM/CSEC receiving services at Juvenile Hall, often within the 48 window before their hearing;  SACEY/SPA staff working directly with in-take, placement, Probation Officers and Juvenile Institutional Officers;  Connecting with on-site therapeutic services staff;  Provide post-detention continuation of services;  Working in concert with individual Probation Officers, providing updates, resource information and other case support.

Value Added, con’d  Juvenile Court : SACEY/SPA staff are present during court proceedings to support the youth; Youth engagement in SPA services viewed as a way to monitor/gage improvement, effort, commitment.  Adult Court: Providing victims support to CSEC who are testifying against their exploiters/pimps; providing aftercare.  Law Enforcement: Information and hands-on support for special operations/sweeps, individual cases.  Social Services: CSEC Provider/Partner stationed a the AC Assessment Center, providing stabilization support, victim education, resource/referral information to youth; participating in Team Decision Making (TDM) meetings.

What we are working on  Making the complex nature of SEM/CSEC trauma known;  Continuing the expansion of specialized response and treatment models.  Working with SSA to address the needs of foster families caring for CSEC.  Expanding to address the needs of transitional aged CSEC.  Developing a shelter facility in Oakland that will serve CSEC and provide on-site services / the “DreamSPA”  Partnering with Law Enforcement and DA to address the needs of CSEC on their caseloads; supporting the development systems.  Identifying the issue of vicarious trauma on “front-line” providers.  Continuing to provide training, information, education and fostering any opportunities for increased capacity in responding to CSEC.  Facilitating the integration of data, research and evaluation activities.

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