Pogrom - Organized violence against Jews Proletariat - The poor working class Bolsheviks - Group that wanted an immediate, violent socialist revolution Vladimir Lenin -Bolshevik leader, founder of Communism in Russia Joseph Stalin – 2 nd Communist leader, created a totalitarian state Russian Revolution/ Totalitarianism - Review
Autocracy – a form of government in which the leader has all power Jews - targeted for persecution by Czar Alexander III and Stalin Marxists/Bolsheviks – believed the workers ( the proletariat) would overthrow the Czar and rule the country 3 crises that led to the Czar’s downfall: - Defeat in the Russo-Japanese war - Revolution of 1905 – Bloody Sunday massacre - Major losses in World War I
Lenin and the Communists were supported by the radical working class The Communists of Russia gained support by promising Land, Peace, and Bread Communists nationalized industry – gov’t took control of MOP Czar and his family – executed by Communists Totalitarian state – police enforce central Gov’t’s policies Great Purge – Stalin’s campaign of terror aimed at anyone who threatened his power
Gulag - a system of labor camps used to punish “enemies of the State” Collectivization - Stalin confiscated peasant farms to form large, gov’t-owned farms 5-Year Plans – Stalin’s industrial plan to set quotas for the output industrial goods