Gateway Program The Next Generation Workforce: Where do we find these new employees?
Who is MHEDA? The Mission of The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association is: To further improve the proficiency of independent material handling distributors in order that they continue to be the most effective and efficient conduit to the marketplace and to be a resource to all industry stakeholders.
MHEDA’s Industry Advocacy Committee COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENT: To serve as an advocate of the material handling industry by conveying its strategic value to all stakeholders.
Committee Goal Targeting the Academic Community, increase the recognition of the strategic value of the material handling industry and build a greater awareness of the career path opportunities. Action Step: Develop Gateway Program using the website as a platform. Work with four (4) CICMHE schools as a pilot program to launch the site.
Gateway – Building a Bridge between Students and our Industry
Gateway Site Design Students Advisors Industry Professionals Go to – click on
Gateway Program Features What is the material handling industry? Links to the multi-media bank/CICMHE Career Opportunities/Resume Bank Find/Post Jobs Facilitation of Site Visits & Guest Lectures Industry Publications
Resume Bank Students can post at no charge Students select areas of interest and can upload resumes Industry Professionals can search at no charge
Building Relationships Industry professionals can facilitate Site Visits to Material Handling Customer Applications Present Guest Lectures to students on Requested Topics Indicate their Job Openings by areas of specialty All postings are FREE Establish and build relationships with local schools!
Gateway Gateway offers students the chance to be considered by hundreds of material handling companies Over 100 students have posted their resumes and are actively seeking full time employment or other opportunities The success of this initiative is dependent upon the participation of Industry Professionals! For More Information contact: Liz Richards, EVP – MHEDA or go to