Renata Imbruglia, CIDEM Start-up Meeting Rome, 3-4 February 2011 MU.COM. PROJECT Renata Imbruglia, CIDEM Start-up Meeting Rome, 3-4 February 2011
WELCOME Dear colleagues, I am very delighted to have you here to participate to the MU.COM. Project Start-up Meeting. Before sharing with you some remarks about the Project, I will have the pleasure to introduce our Institute, our mission and our activities.
CIDEM: WHO WE ARE CIDEM, whose name means “Research Centre for Market Law and Economics”, is a public Organism operating at an inter-disciplinary level in the field of Economics, Finance and for the Development Co-operation, with reference to the Markets and to Institutional Organisms, both national and international.
MISSION Our main goals are: Offering technical and scientific services in the field of Company management, economic and financial evaluation; Elaborating and developing research and training projects, market analysis, pilot projects as well as economic analysis;
MISSION Promoting and managing high-level Training Courses, contributing to the creation of innovative professional profiles. In particular, CIDEM takes care of the development of post-graduate Masters and professional Training Courses related to Finance and Development.
OUR EXPERIENCE The Center embraces several disciplinary areas, each coordinated by scholars and experts on interdisciplinary subjects. In the years, CIDEM got a relevant experience cooperating with Departments and scientific research Institutes, in Italy and abroad, also participating in cooperation agreements and research activities.
… Let’s now talk about our Project
WHY “MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR” Many Studies and Researches are currently highlighting the importance of the Museum Communicator inside Museums and inside all the other “subjects” (companies, cooperative associations, etc.) that, at several levels, use to deal with Museums management.
WHY “MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR” Even though many European Museums have experts in charge of the internal and external communication, nevertheless they have received rarely a specific training in communication for Museum, also keeping in mind the new reality of Virtual Museums, that are becoming more and more important.
WHY “MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR” So, today is mandatory to answer to the increasing need of training and retraining for those professionals working into Museums, in particular in the field of “Museum Communication”.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES Exploiting our experience in developing high-level training interventions and your expertise, our Partnership will be able to develop an effective Training Course that will allow participants to acquire professional skills and high-level standard competences, specifically tailored for Museum professionals.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES This will allow adults already working in Museums as well as young people accessing the Labour Market, to learn how to point out strategies and techniques for effectively communicating with the public, with the media representatives as well as with the local bodies.
SPECIAL RECOMMANDATIONS Before leaving the word to the Project Coordinator Marco Merlini, I would like to share with you some important remarks about the state of the art of the Project. At the moment, we are starting with a delay of about 4 months. This delay has been due only to the organisational and administrative procedures requested by the National Agency, and it has not depended on any of us.
SPECIAL RECOMMANDATIONS So, from now we have to concentrate and to spend all our energies to fill the gap by starting working in the most effective way is possible, in order to make up for the lost time.
SPECIAL RECOMMANDATIONS We will guarantee that we will do any effort to respect our tasks as Project Coordinators. We ask you, nevertheless, to respect all your tasks, according to the Project work-plan and to what indicated in the contracts that you are going to sign today.
SPECIAL RECOMMANDATIONS For the success of the Project, it is mandatory to respect all the rules of the National Agency, both the financial ones and the ones related to the contents of the Project, as well as the indications provided by us.
SPECIAL RECOMMANDATIONS I ask you to pay special attention to the Project deadlines for providing the expected products and results, and to guarantee your availability to answer on time to our requests, especially on the occasion of the interim and final reports to be submitted to the National Agency.
SPECIAL RECOMMANDATIONS I am sure that we will spend two years of intense and profitable cooperation working together for the development of this innovative Project. Our staff (Irene Salerno and Tiziana Perugia) will be at your disposal for the whole Project to support you in case of needed help or assistence.