Insurance & Health Reporting Travel
ASPE Insurance For all Fulbright grantees ASPE brochure Grantees & Alumni – Information for American Grantees Customer service, claim forms, etc. Filing a claim: in addition to the instructions given in the claim forms we recommend you to: attach a copy of your insurance card keep a copy of your insurance claim documents contact FC in case of delays Valid for the grant period in Finland only Includes FC or CIES approved Fulbright-related travel abroad Keep FC informed so we can update your record Additional coverage needed for travel outside Finland
Health Services Finland has both Public and Private Clinics -With ASPE, you can use both Check with you university which Private Health Provider they use (Terveystalo, Mehiläinen, Diacor…) Ask for documentation in English Private doctors make a referral to the Public Hospital System for treatment
Reporting We like to hear from you! Fulbright Center News, FC website … Final reports from all scholars and students for FC for IIE/CIES Additional mid-term report from full-year scholars and students Instructions and forms will be ed in December/April inform us on changes in contact information all travel additional income (students need prior approval)