Team Manager Orientation October 29, 2013
Team Manager Responsibilities – Coordinate all communication and finances for team. Act as liaison between coach and team as needed. Create and maintain a team website; understand how to use the D8 website – Work with registrar to get team roster approved. Keep binder/official rosters for all games and tourneys. – Coordinate tourneys (submit roster, rule review, brackets, check-in, out of town coordination) – Prepare a team budget/collect monthly fees from families – Understand the process for scheduling ice and its impact on your team budget (overview on how it works, what you will get, buying ice from other rinks, outdoor ice needs) – Coordinate/delegate the annual fundraising activities – Act as the point person for picture night – Act as point person for EVHA apparel (non-Westwood apparel) – Act as point person for dry-land – Help the coach as needed to schedule games/scrimmages/refs – Coordinate volunteers for working concessions for your team – Ensure volunteers are assigned for game days and you submit final game scores to the District – Ensure the locker room policy is being followed
Create a Team Page Manage team web page through NGIN or another site (i.e., Team Snap) Use your team page to post documents, forms, ice schedules or other important information. Making team pages private Communicate weekly with team about upcoming events or send reminders. Communicate practice times, games & scrimmages, budget and tourney info. Can easily send a message from your roster page as the administrator Post pictures on your team page. Ask coach about posting game scores and stats Use the NGIN support portal if you are unsure about how to do anything. They are very helpful and you can contact them directly. Purchasing pictures on website. The photo service is provided by Digibug. This is a third party provider. They provide the printing and set the fees. Not sure if anyone has used. In order for others (family) to view the calendar, they must have a login to NGIN.
Create a Budget for your Team Each team starts season with $200 in their account. Contact Jim Harnagel or Amy Hutsell if additional funds are needed prior to collecting 1 st payment Calculate a monthly fee for your team. Collect payments each month. Start in October and go through March How do you determine your team’s monthly fee? Use last year’s budget as your guide. Check with coaches on any additional items to budget for (practice jerseys for example). Checks should be made payable to EVHA. Team Managers should deposit checks on a timely basis. Tonight you received a checkbook. A debit card will be mailed to you. Online access is available by contacting Anchor bank. To activate your card, please call Joey Knutson at Anchor Bank and she can help you activate and get a PIN. Her number is: Deposits: Some of you might not have many deposit slips in your checkbook. Anchor Bank has some generic ones available where you can just write in the account number. Some teams ordered deposit stamps in the past. If we have them, I gave them to you. If you want to order, EVHA will pay for them. Must be returned at the end of the season. Keep track of the checks you have deposited. You are responsible for not bouncing checks Collect an October payment right away – just guess an amount $ is a good estimate Monthly payments will be withdrawn from your account to EVHA beginning Dec 15, each month thru March. These monthly payments are for D8 fees, crossfit, goalie development, ice and tournaments. The other items like scrapbooks, team parties are yours to budget and pay for. Volunteer rebates - at the end of the season, the Treasurer will determine with the volunteer coordinator who has completed their volunteer hours. Upon completion at the end of the season, the family will receive their $125 credit per play toward their last monthly ice bill. If they have more than one child, then the 2 nd $125 will be applied to their 2 nd child’s ice bill.
Ice Time New ice coordinator this year Less ice is available, so more rinks are being used Hourly rates: Schedules: once the U14's have their ice draw on Nov. 13, you will receive your schedule from Dec and beyond Contact Jeremy directly with ice scheduling questions
What to Include in your budget Ice time. Use last year’s number as a guide. Any trades or ice shares need to be communicated to the ice coordinator so end of season actuals are correct. Outdoor Ice: Does not need to be budgeted. You are not charged. The outdoor rinks usually open in December. Ice Coordinator will send a message out asking for your input on where/what day of week you want for outdoor ice. This is optional. Many teams use it as just a pickup hockey game. Coaches sometimes choose to let the kids play and don’t come. Discuss with your coach and team. Make sure to cancel if weather is frigid. District 8 fees (Refer to binder for last year’s fees). ed today. Squirt A – Preseason Jamboree: $300 and is included in your D8 fees. Goalie clinics - budget $200 per goalie except for Squirt C’s. SQ C’s & Mites will have combined goalie training that the association will pay. Goalie parents will be notified and should submit receipts to you for any goalie training up to $200. Paid Coaches Association pays for coaches. You budget for hotel for out of town tourney. Meals at your discretion
What to Include in your budget Tournaments: You should have information on the costs of your tourneys. Note that some require prepaid gate fees at registration and some require it a few weeks before the tourney. Make sure to include the gate fees in your tourney budget. Tournament Meals: Often for out of town tourneys, teams like to coordinate a team dinner. You can budget for this. Referees– Referee fees are the same as last year. They are on the Team Manager site. You only budget for refs for scrimmages. (game refs are paid out of your D8 fees). Certain levels are one hour; older levels are 1.25 hours. Two refs always needed. Additional ice: Often coaches especially after last game prior to playoffs will ask you to find additional ice. Or occasionally they might feel like there is a week light on ice. Typically depending on the level, this might be anywhere between 1-6 hours of additional ice during the season. You should ask your coach for input, and budget $205/hour. Sometimes when you are asked to play a scrimmage with another team, they will want you to pay for half the ice. If you go to, you can see how to look for ice for sale in the Twin Cities. District Playoff fees
Collecting Monthly Fees Checks made payable to EVHA Deposit them in a timely fashion How to handle slow or no paying families. No credit card options yet
District Playoff Fees DISTRICT 8 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Entry Fees: Squirt A & B & C and Girls 10U A & B Playoffs - $ Peewee AA/A & B and Girls 12U A & B Tournaments - $ ($ back to Wild Card Losers) Peewee B2 & C Tournaments - $ Bantam AA/A and Girls 14U A Tournaments - $ ($ back to Wild Card Losers) Bantam B Tournament - $ ($ back to Wild Card Losers) Bantam B2 & C Tournaments - $ Jr Gold Tournament - $ ($ back to Wild Card Losers) Entry fees are payable to the hosting association. Entry fees are due when you register your team at the playoff site. You have to fill out a form if your team is NOT participating in District Playoffs
CrossFit Dryland Training Partnership with Cross-Fit training center (locations in AV & Lakeville). Team will attend sessions together and they will be led by CrossFit‘s highly specialized instructors focusing on lower body strength and balance. All sessions are 30 minutes and average $5/child except for Bantams which are 45 minutes and are $8/child. Sessions will try to be coordinated in conjunction with practices and will not be on the weekends between Dec-Feb. Scheduling changes are discouraged but should be coordinated directly with There are no refunds for sessions that teams choose to not attend. Gretchen: CrossFit tried to rotate later dry land training times amongst teams. Team managers will allocate for this training and spread it out over the season budget. The amount budgeted for CrossFit will be deducted out of your monthly ice pulls from the Treasurer starting in December
CrossFit Budgeting Info Bantams & PeeWees – 23 sessions x $8 a session = $184 per player Squirt A & Squirt B – 23 sessions x $5 a session = $115 per player U12B – 21 sessions x $8 = $168 per player U10A & U10B – 21 sessions x $5 = $105 per player Squirt C's – 17 sessions x $5 = $85 per player U14 – 15 sessions x $8 = $120 per player
Other Things To Consider for Your Budget Dry-land training Practice Jerseys End of season party Coaches gifts Scrapbooks/CD from a tourney Labels for your score sheets
Official Team Rosters Team rosters are formally approved by our District 8 Director. The EVHA registrar will work with you to get your team roster approved. You will need to keep this roster in your team binder for games and tourneys. You also need to collect Consent to Treat forms from your players. These forms are available on the website. A handful of people have submitted them with their registration. That list is available on the Team Manager link and if you have one you need printed, contact Don’t ask them for the form again. We can it to you very In order for rosters to be approved, we have to make sure all kids have birth certificates, waivers, consent to treats, USA hockey numbers, other miscellaneous things (like proof of citizenship). Coaches also have to provide a background check receipt at the time of roster approval. Once the rosters have been approved, the registrar will contact you to pick up. Coaches have to be certified at the level they are coaching. A max of 4 coaches can be rostered. Coaches are aware of the levels that they need to be certified. They need to complete any certification prior to 12/31/13. Information about their requirements is readily available on the Coaches link on our website. Previously coaches received a physical card proving their certification levels. Now those cards are electronic. I recommend having the coach give you this e-version of the card. Often times tourney hosts want this information at tourney check in.. Coaches must wear HECC approved hockey helmet when on ice and it has to be buckled. This could result in 30 day suspension and/or a fine by the D8 Director. Neck guards are not required in District 8. Coaches need to register at USA hockey ASAP and the confirmation page to to get reimbursed. This number is required in order for your team’s roster to be Coaches and Team Managers need to annually complete a background check form. The information is on the Coaches link. The receipts (which do not include private social security information need to be ed to These receipts are required for your roster to be For dads helping on the ice, they need to be certified to be on the ice (just like a coach) and they need to complete a background form. This does not count as volunteer hours. Only rostered coaches typically receive volunteer hours. The roster approval process can be a time consuming process. Most teams need these approved before their Thanksgiving weekend tourneys. Your help in getting your coaches to submit their USA hockey numbers and getting the proper signatures and paperwork to the EVHA registrar is greatly appreciated!
Scheduling A Scrimmage Sometimes coach will do all this or may ask for team manager to do. Find other coaches by going to their association’s website. Make sure you have contact information on your team page as other associations will use your team page to find out how to contact you for scrimmages. If you need to schedule a scrimmage, use the D8 website ( to ensure you get refs to your game! Referee rates are available on the Team Manager link. For scrimmages, referees will be expected to be paid after the game. You will write two checks for each ref. (two refs are required) Who pays for the ice and refs for a scrimmage? Suggested options include: – Option 1: Split costs of scrimmages between two teams. Sometimes teams will split the whole cost (ice & refs). Sometimes if you have the ice time already scheduled, ask the other team to pay just for refs. – Option 2: Some teams will pay for it all and then expect the other team to schedule a reciprocal scrimmage at a later time during the season. In District 8, you only need to report league game scores. You do not need to report scrimmages or tourney games. The Squirt max game rule changed this year. Squirt teams can have a maximum of 35 game days. Thus if they Squirts have 2 games in a day, it only counts as 1 game day. Teams still have to have 2 hours off between on ice activities (so dryland is exempt). If you need to find additional ice time or need to find rinks,
Scheduling League Games Game Scheduling Meetings: Most are completed. Remaining ones include: Girls 14U A Scheduling Meeting November 13th, 7:00pm St Paul Park American Legion Mite/8U Coordinators Meeting November 25th, 7:00pm Croatian Hall, South St Paul Some Tips: Prior to your date, the Ice Coordinator will give you a schedule that has your ice times listed for games. Once you completed scheduling, send game schedule back to Ice Coordinator asap. Team Managers should attend with coach or an asst should go with the Head Coach. Wear your EV Hockey apparel. Bring a blank calendar that has any big school conflict dates identified (i.e., band or choir concerts). Also plug in your tourney dates. Bring a Pencil, so you can make changes on the fly. Schedule weekday games first with associations who are close. Schedule weekend games with teams that require travel. You will schedule home and away games with each association/team.
Game Day Make sure your players always bring both jerseys. Home jersey is white. Away jersey is black Kids should bring their own water bottle. EVHA provides volunteers for each HOME game. For home games, we provide one volunteer for the clock, for scorekeeping and one to work each penalty box. Training for the clock is available for your team. Contact me if you want to provide this. Encourage people to learn the clock! Working these positions for home games (Time clock, scorekeeper, penalty boxes) does not count as volunteer hours. Team manager should create a schedule once their game schedule has been finalized and rotate the responsibilities. Make sure to remind the volunteers prior to the game (Put in your weekly communication to team). You will need to have people work these positions for scrimmages also. If your team wins (or if you are home team and it’s a tie), then it is your responsibility to report the score to District 8. You do this by visiting the website. Click on District Forms & Rates, click on Game Results. You will need to report the HEP score for each team for each game. HEP Score or Fair Play points and how to determine them are located in the D8 handbook. Please read through this information. All players, including goalkeepers, are required to wear a colored (non-clear) internal mouthpiece, which covers all remaining teeth of one jaw, customarily the upper
Keeping Score Score sheets – A score sheet shall be used for all games; league, tournament and exhibition. They are available at all rinks. (Keep a few extras in your binder just in case). Ask arena manager if you can’t find the score book. Score books are to remain at the rink Team roster and coach labels should be made for the score sheets. A template is available on the Team Manager link using Avery labels. Make sure for each game, you have labels made for at least 4 score sheets. One copy of the score sheet is for the coach, one for the opponent, one for the refs and one stays in the scorebook. The score sheet shall include, at a minimum, the following information: Date, time and location of the game. The division and classification of the teams. The home and visiting team player rosters including player names and numbers. The home and visiting team coaches names, USA Hockey Coach Education Program (CEP) card numbers, CEP level attained and the year of certification. Scoring and penalty information. Printed names of the referee(s) and the linesmen and the signature of the referee(s ). The score sheets shall be signed by all participating coaches attesting to the accuracy of the player roster and the CEP Information. If a game misconduct or match penalty is assessed, the on-ice officials shall receive the top copy of the score sheet to accompany a game report to the district supervisor of officials Unruly parents – referees can give your team a penalty
Reporting your Score Report your score within 24 hours of your game. Winning team reports the score. If a tie, home team reports the score. Save score sheet in case of an error. Fair Play Points: On the District 8 website click on the link that explains the rules about fair play points and how they are calculated and how they are lost.
District info League Dates Bantam A & B1, Peewee A & B1, Girls 14U A & B, and Girls 12U A & B - 11/11/13 to 2/9/14 Playoffs: 2/16 to 2/23 Bantam B2 & C and Peewee B2 & C, Squirt A, B & C, and Girls 10U A & B - 11/25/13 to 3/2/14 Playoffs: 3/9 to 3/16 Click on LEAGUE INFORMATION LINK AT STICKSTATS.COM Playoff Hosts: Bantam AA/A - Eagan Bantam B1 - Cottage Grove Bantam B2 - Lakeville Bantam C - Open Peewee AA/A Apple Valley Peewee B1 - Cottage Grove Peewee B2 - Rosemount Peewee C - Cottage Grove Squirt A South St Paul Squirt B South St Paul Squirt C Inver Grove Heights Girls 14U A - Inver Grove Heights Girls 12U B - Hastings Girls 10U A - Farmington Girls 10U B - Farmington
D8 website: District Forms & Rates link: Report a score. Submit this form within 24 hours of the league game. District Forms & Rates link: Click on this to Reschedule a Game Phonebook: Display all Admins to find D8 contacts. To schedule a ref, select the phonebook and the AV Referee Scheduler with information re: time, date, level of play and teams playing District Playoff Dates
Tournaments Boys Traveling teams typically go to 4 tournaments; Girls attend 3 Squirt C attend 3 – 2-3 Metro Area Tournaments – 1 Out of Town Tournament Please search for tourney information by searching on the hosting team’s hockey association. Most have a tournament tab and then you can find more information, including rules, gate fees, etc. Team Managers are responsible for: – Contacting the tourney director for each tourney you are registered for to ensure your name is now indicated as the key contact instead of the general Eastview tourney coordinator. – Watching for the brackets to communicate the schedule to the team – Making sure prepaid gate fees if required are mailed to tourney host – Making sure the tourney rules are sent to your coaches – Arriving at the tourney at least one hour prior to your first game to check in the team – Making sure required documentation is provided at check-in (roster, coaches “cards”, etc. – Distributing host provided trinkets to players/coaches – Helping facilitate the conversation if a tourney photographer is on site if a team disk purchase is something families want to purchase Many tournaments require pre-paid gate fees. Some of them have been paid as a requirement for registration. Others ask for you to mail it a few weeks before the tourney. Most team managers now incorporate these pre-paid gate fees into the monthly budget and write a check from the team account and mail to the hosting tourney director. Out of town tourneys – Reserve hotel block of rooms and communicate how to reserve rooms to the team – Many teams will make door signs for out of town tourney for hotel. – Most teams coordinate one team dinner during the out of town tourney. You can budget for this in advance. Use last year’s budget as a guide for the amount. – Fargo Squirt Attendees. Room reservations already made. Visit their site to login and get more information about the itinerary.
EVHA Fundraising – Hosting an annual golf tourney – Pull Tabs & Bingo- Valley Tap, Bogarts/Apple Place, Old Chicago in Eagan – Hosting an Eastview Girls Tourney held at Eagan Arena in Dec – Selling tickets to Eastview Night at the Wild – Selling programs at Wild Games – Coupons for Chili’s in Eagan (10% of proceeds to EVHA with coupon) – Raffle sales
Volunteers Each EVHA and REV family is required to volunteer 5 hours per child/10 per family. Working the time clock, penalty box, scorekeeper for team games does not count. The head coach, team manager, booster club member and 2 assistant coaches are exempt from fulfilling additional volunteer hours. The Volunteering system is called Dibs. Opportunities are posted on Dibs. Members with registered players can claim them. All hours are managed under only one player per family. Members can track their own volunteer hours. Team managers are not responsible for this EVHA is only hosting the Girls’ Tournament this year. After the tourney, volunteer hours will be mostly around helping out on raffle night and concessions
EVHA Booster Club Each Team will have a Booster Club Member. This position meets all requirements for volunteer hours. Once assigned, team managers should to ensure that person gets credit for hours. Responsibilities of Booster Club Members – Organize Raffle – Collect Donations/Sponsorship from Businesses – Collect Raffle Money from Team – Auction Basket for Team – Attend 3-5 meetings during year
Raffle Fundraiser One player in a family = $100 ($5/ ticket x 20 tickets); Two + players in a family = $200 ($5/ ticket x 40 tickets) Tickets due to managers/ booster club rep typically by February 1st. Booster Club Rep/ Manager will need to get money to Raffle Coordinator
Concessions Concession hours will be managed through the Dibs application. Working concessions does count toward your volunteer requirement. Each team is assigned a few dates to work the concession stand at Hayes arena. Typically two people work the concession stand. Scheduled times will be either before or after your game time (not during). If all members of a team has fulfilled their volunteer hours commitment, the hours will be made available this year to other members of the association to fulfill their volunteer commitment. However, if 7 days prior to the date, the event remains unclaimed, the team manager will need to ensure that volunteers are assigned to the concession stand. Within the Dibs item, volunteers should note if they are opening or closing the concession stand. If they are opening it, they should get there at least 15 minutes prior to shift and if they are closing, they should stay 15 minutes after if they are closing. This will be indicated in the Dibs item. And members will get credit for this time. Failure to provide volunteers for your scheduled concession time will result in a $25 penalty for the team.
Locker Room Policy USA Hockey is concerned with locker room activities between minor players; minor players and adult players; adults being alone with individual minor players in locker rooms; and with nonofficial or non-related adults having unsupervised access to minor participants at sanctioned team events. It is the policy of USA Hockey and USA Hockey InLine that all Affiliates, Districts, leagues, and local hockey programs have at least one responsible adult present directly monitoring the locker room during all team events to assure that only participants, (coaches and players), approved team personnel and family members are permitted in the locker room and to supervise the conduct in the locker room. Any individual meetings with a minor participant and a coach in a locker room shall require a responsible adult be with the coach. Further, responsible adults must personally monitor the locker room environment at all times while participants are present and also make sure the locker room is appropriately secured during times when minor participants are on the ice. Teams, leagues and local hockey associations shall also comply with the USA Hockey Coed locker room policy set out below. Team Managers must ensure that locker room monitors are assigned as required by this policy. Locker Room monitors must complete the USA hockey background check
Apparel Warm-ups: We will be looking at new hockey warm- ups for next year. This year no new ones were purchased. You can work with Westwood directly if you want to coordinate a team purchase. Rambow handling all other apparel orders. Online ordering on the apparel link for the website. – The deadline for apparel was October 27th – Apparel delivery will go to Mark Groebner. He will then contact team managers to arrange pickup for your team’s apparel. Any questions about the apparel can be directed to Rambow. Delivery questions can be directed to Mark or Amy.
Picture Night Picture order forms will be available soon. This year’s photographer is AllSport Photography. Panoramics will be taken the night of pictures. They are $25. Teams can decide proper attire, but EV jerseys should be worn. Please confer first with the coach on the attire for pictures. Team managers should ensure that everyone has forms and keep team organized. Pictures will be dropped off to me and then Team Managers will need to pick up. Panoramics will not be ready when pictures are ready. They will provide Team manager with a proof and orders can be taken from there. Any issues with pictures should be addressed with to the photographer directly. Picture dates/times will be ed. Waiting for room confirmation.
Picture Times/Dates/Locations BTM/PeeWees/Girls SQUIRTS
Team Manager Resources Many resources available on the Team Manager link Reference the EVHA handbook as needed District 8 Rule book (paying special attention on the rules around # of games max per level, scrimmage rules, etc.) Please me if you need additional items available on this page. Excel spreadsheet. It is a master spreadsheet with many worksheets. Team managers can load in their team players’ names and the subsequent tabs are pre-filled for you to provide game schedules, roster wallet cards, etc. This is optional. There is a template for printing labels which are needed for the score sheets NGIN support resources available CrossFit information, game scheduling info, etc. available We are not doing Impact Testing this year.
Other Miscellaneous Items Award patches: – MN Hockey offers award patches for goalies and skaters. There is one for a hat trick, zero award, playmaker. Go to the D8 website and go to the tab for forms. Fun for kids to receive Captain Patches – Available for purchase at Westwood Other Team Manager Recommendations
Conclusion & Quick To-Do’s Thank you! Collect $ for October Reserve your hotel for your out of state tourney Confirm with your tourneys you are registered; balance due Collect Consent to Treats Make you print score sheet labels Make sure you have all your families’ cell phone numbers. New team managers find one returning manager to pair up with to help them through the season