Unit 71- P4 Amber Burgess
Comparison of a large and small scale event For a larger event, for example we will rock you in west end, A much larger crew is required as the sound will need to be perfect and there will be a lot more areas of sound which need to be covered therefore the crew would be built up of a sound designer, three sound engineers and a sound technician. For example of a small event the event we put on ‘Artisound’ a big crew was not necessary. The only crew members we would require would be a Sound stage technician and a sound engineer.
Sound No.1, No.2 and No.3 With in a sound crew there is sound number one two and three. Number 1 takes care of the front of house engineering, number 2 can be the sound technician or the monitor engineer and number 3 is the systems engineer, they take care of the microphones, amp racks and the radio microphones.
The responsibilities of sound number 1: To live mix the show from the show from front of house, their desk will usually be positioned in the middle of the auditorium. They may assist in recruiting staff They attend the production meetings and technical dress rehearsals. They work along side the production sound engineer to organise the hire of the equipment and supplies. Sound number 1 takes different responsibilities to the other crew members as they program the show and mix it. The other roles manage, design the project. Sound number 1 does not have any input to the designing of the sound
Comparing roles with in a sound crew Responsibilities of a sound designer: In charge of props on stage and off stage Responsible for everything heard by the audience Creating sound effects Editing and remixing the music. Gives advice on how to create the best sound for the performers when on stage. The role of a sound designer is very different to the roles of a sound engineer. The designer takes control of the sound effects where as the sound engineer is in charge of programming the sound. The role of the designer is also very different to a sound manager as the manager over sees the project.
The responsibilities of a sound engineer: Programming sound effects Recording music, dialogue and more. Discusses with performer, producers and more. Mixes and edits music, speech, and sound effects for live events/performances. The role of a sound engineer is different to the roles of a sound manager as the engineer creates and programmes that sound where as the manager oversees everything happening in the project. They also have more input and have a larger effect on the outcome of the show.
The responsibilities of a Sound manager. Setting up and selecting the equipment They will work with the designer and engineer in the planning stages. Set up the equipment Over sees all audio The sound manager is a very different role in comparison to the other crew members involved in a production. The sound manager takes on different responsibilities to the engineers. The sound manager has a lot more control over what happens over all with the production. If it is a small scale production the sound manager may take on the roles of the sound engineer and sound designer.