Project Citizen Group Roles Group One: The Problem 7 max Group Members: _________________ ________________
Project Citizen Group Roles Group Two: Alternative Solutions 7 max Group Members: _________________ ________________
Project Citizen Group Roles Group Three: The Proposal 7 max Group Members: _________________ ________________
Project Citizen Group Roles Group Four: Action Plan 7 max Group Members: _________________ ________________
Lead Artist Public Relations Executive Research Manager Presentation Coach Technology Assistant Chief Editor and Writer PROJECT CITIZEN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS
Lead Artist Job Description: A lead artist is responsible for making the Project Citizen experience visually pleasing for the audience and judges and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Inserting visuals (clip art, graphics, pictures, videos, etc) into the electronic and board presentation Creating unique artwork for the presentations Establishing balance between text and visuals in presentations Organizing and formatting the presentations to be visually pleasing Connecting with all group lead artists to produce flow in visuals and text choices Submit all research forms, references, and citations to Research Manager Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Lead Artist Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for creating a visually pleasing electronic presentation with at least 7 graphics ______ 10 points for creating a visually pleasing hard copy presentation with at least 7 graphics ______ 10 points for meeting with other artists & develop format of presentation (color, text, etc) ______ 10 points for overall effort artistic impression and results ______ 10 points for using class time wisely ______ 10 points for submitting work on time and submitting resources/citation ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 10 points for submitting all PC forms, references, & citation t o research manager ______ 80 Points possible My Score ______
Job Description: A public relations executive is responsible for making the Project Citizen a community experience and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Creating & distributing invitations for judges, community members, and parents to come to presentations Conducting interviews with a variety of community members (diverse ages, races, ethnicity, both genders) Creating and distributing community survey, discussing, and reporting the results Notify the press of Project Citizen event and results ing, calling, and meeting in person with community leaders, politicians, etc to gather data/research Submitting all resources, citations, interview forms, and research forms to research manager Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Lead Artist Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for creating and distributing/mailing invitations for P.C. Showcase April 8 and follow up with total number of people attending event ______ 10 points for conducting interviews (min 4) & summarizing results visually &/or by text ______ 10 points for meeting with other PR executive to coordinate efforts & turn in plan ______ 10 points for overall effort and results of public relations ______ 10 points for using class time wisely ______ 10 points for submitting work on time ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 10 points for submitting all PC forms, interview forms, & citation t o research manager ______ 80 Points possible My Score ______ Public Relations Executive
Job Description: A research manager is responsible for making the Project Citizen experience organized and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Organize group binder into sections, subsections, label divider pages, create decorative cover, & table of contents Research information and help other research information as necessary Keep, update, and maintain reference/citation page for group Meet with other research managers to create & organize portfolio binder into sections, subsections, label divider pages, create decorative cover, & table of contents for group Keep a list of useful web sites, books, magazines, and newspapers Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Lead Artist Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for creating & organizing group binder as listed above ______ 10 points for Researching & assisting in research (indicated by forms) ______ 10 points for Keeping an updated & reference/citation page for group ______ 10 points for overall effort and results ______ 10 points for using class time wisely ______ 10 points for submitting work on time ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 10 points for Meet with other research managers to create & organize portfolio binder ______ 80 Points possible My Score ______ Research Manager
Job Description: A presentation coach is responsible for making the Project Citizen presentation experience effective and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Delegating speaking parts of presentation for group Practicing speaking components of presentation with group (tone, enthusiasm, pacing, clarity, etc) Coordinating speaking parts with all groups through presentation coaches Collaborate with chief editor and writer to make text and presentation consistent and effective Doing further research for presentation, submit references to organization manager, and all other P.C. forms Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Lead Artist Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for typing up and turning speeches for all group members ______ 10 points for creating and typing up note cards for presentation practice ______ 10 points for practicing and improving speeches with group members ______ 10 points for overall effort to improve results by tone, enthusiasm, pacing, etc ______ 10 points for using class time wisely ______ 10 points for submitting work on time and resources to research manager ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 70 Points possible My Score ______ Presentation Coach
Job Description: A technology assistant is responsible for using technology to make the Project Citizen experience effective and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Putting survey results into a graphic visual (bar graph, pie chart, etc) Filming interviews, editing, and inserting into presentation Assisting group members with technical issues (excel, power point, etc) Previewing electronic presentation to make sure all technical aspects work (sound, video, etc) Set up for State Showcase Competition for presentation (computer, promethean board, etc) Submit all research forms, interview forms, references, and citation to research manager Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Technology Assistant Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for filming, editing video, incorporating video in presentation ______ 10 points for creating graphic visual to display survey results in power point & board ______ 10 points for meeting with technology assistants to coordinate all tech component of PC ______ 10 points for overall effort to include technology and had effective results ______ 10 points for using class time wisely _____ 10 points for submitting work on time ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 10 points for submitting all PC forms, interview forms, citation t o research manager ______ 80 Points possible My Score ______ Technology Assistant
Job Description: A chief editor is responsible for editing the final product, writing the text for the power point & board, and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Making final product free of writing errors through peer editing Making text that is highly organized (bullets for lists, key points underlined, highlighted, or bold) Making sure text is complete and detailed and answers all questions for judges Storing all files on collaborative file folder (Google Docs, teacher folder, and/or flash drive) Making sure text is descriptive, persuasive, and/or effective Printing out all of the typed pages and turning into Group Project Citizen Binder and Class Project Citizen Binder Submit all research forms, PC forms, references, and citation to Research Manager Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Chief Editor and Writer Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for printing out typed pages and putting in Group and Class PC Binder ______ 10 points for editing & putting together typed/text components of electronic presentations ______ 10 points for editing & putting together typed/text components of board presentation _____ 10 points for overall effort to write and edit for PC & successful results ______ 10 points for using class time wisely ______ 10 points for submitting work on time ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 10 points for submitting all PC forms, references, & citation t o research manager ______ 80 Points possible My Score ______ Chief Editor and Writer (1)
Job Description: A chief editor is responsible for editing the final product, writing the text for the power point & board, and working collaboratively with group and class members. The responsibilities include but are not limited to: Making final product free of writing errors through peer editing Making text that is highly organized (bullets for lists, key points underlined, highlighted, or bold) Making sure text is complete and detailed and answers all questions for judges Storing all files on collaborative file folder (Google Docs, teacher folder, and/or flash drive) Making sure text is descriptive, persuasive, and/or effective Printing out all of the typed pages and turning into Group Project Citizen Binder and Class Project Citizen Binder Submit all research forms, PC forms, references, and citation to Research Manager Name ________________ I understand my job description and responsibilities and agree to execute these to the best of my ability: Signature __________________________Date ___________ How Chief Editor and Writer Will be Evaluated/Graded: 10 points for printing out typed pages and putting in Group and Class PC Binder ______ 10 points for editing & putting together typed/text components of electronic presentations ______ 10 points for editing & putting together typed/text components of board presentation _____ 10 points for overall effort to write and edit for PC & successful results ______ 10 points for using class time wisely ______ 10 points for submitting work on time ______ 10 points for effectively contributing to showcase presentation ______ 10 points for submitting all PC forms, references, & citation t o research manager ______ 80 Points possible My Score ______ Chief Editor and Writer (2)