What stops women reaching the top?
What progress have we made in the last 5 years?
We are better than the FTSE100, but are we good enough?
2010- What are the barriers to women's progression?
Top barriers to progression 2010
Top barriers 2005 and 2010
BME women even more likely to perceive barriers
Public and Private sector difference
Part time and full time differences
Perceptions of women under and over 44
Perceptions of men under and over 44
Without tackling these barriers women will not make it up the pipeline into the board room. Current approach of sharing best practice and leading by example will only achieve incremental progress
How can we achieve a quantum leap? Will this achieve change? Recruitment and search: balanced long lists & balanced short lists Balanced interview/nominating committees Unconscious bias training New leadership model Proactive talent management with board level supervision Career development support for women Targets/ quotas for representation of women