Delphi Confidential Document Change Control DateVersionAuthorRoleComments 06 Mar Aleksandra UlkaDeveloperFirst Draft 11 Mar Aleksandra UlkaDeveloperIncorporated comments 11 Mar Aleksandra UlkaDeveloperIncorporated comments received from Steven 14 Mar Aleksandra UlkaDeveloperIncorporated comments received from Dana 26 Mar Aleksandra UlkaDeveloperIncorporated action Mar Aleksandra UlkaDeveloperEdited slide 14 as per Steven’s feedback DateVersionAuthorRoleStatus 13 Mar Dana MeranteReviewerReviewed and provided comments 14 Mar Enrique CalvilloReviewer - DelphiReviewed DateVersionAuthorRoleStatus Change History Review Detail Approver Detail
Delphi Confidential A Better Workday for Managers Course # 201
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Navigating the Course At any point in the course, you can use the button on the top-right of the course window to access the Table of Contents. You can click any lesson or page in the Table of Contents box to jump to that lesson or page. Audio is available for this course and is automatically enabled. You can use the button on the bottom-right of the course window to turn the audio off or on. The audio transcript can be switched on as well if needed.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Course Introduction This course will explain a Manager role in Workday, what is changing for the Managers and the expectations for them. You will be given an overview of Manager Direct Access, Data Privacy and information on where to go for help in using Workday. By the end of this short course, you will: Be able to define the change and the expectations for you in Workday Know what the Manager Direct Access covers and its basic functionalities of View, Review and Approve
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Robust tools & processes to develop all employees to their full potential Best practice HR service delivery to the organization Appropriate, secure and timely people information transmitted to almost 70 different interfaces to payroll or other systems Direct access to your own information Managers access to their employees’ information Better decisions with accurate, real time human capital data Less delays in access to data by providing direct access for managers and employees Benefits of Workday
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Contents Lesson 3 – Data privacy Lesson 2 – Manager Direct Access Lesson 1 – Expectations for your role
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Expectations for your role A Better Workday for Managers Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Summary Expectations for your role as a manager Expectations for your role as a manager What is changing? Why is it a cultural and process change?
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Expectations for your role as a manager Roles All Employees and Managers have specific settings in the Workday tool that determine what actions they can take or what data they can view. Workday calls these settings ‘roles’. Responsibilities Managers have the responsibility of managing their own information and the business information for their teams. You Your role as a Manager will require you to initiate, access and support processes and reports for your team and yourself. Remember that Workday will not eliminate some of the offline conversations with HR and your direct reports.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Which processes need your action? As a Manager in Workday you will be responsible for initiating the following processes for your direct reports: Request Compensation Change Request One Time Payment Create Job Requisition Job Requisition Change Close Job Requisition Termination Title Change End Contingent Worker Contract Change Job
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit What is changing? You will now able to Take better business decisions through accurate, consistent and real-time human capital data Eliminate delays in access to data by providing direct access for managers and employees View dashboards for workforce planning, employee development, etc. Managers will have easy, direct access to a lot of useful details about their teams!
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit What are the changes? It presents Managers with information required to effectively manage their workforce and enhance decision making It empowers Employees to access and manage personal, job and career data with ease It makes the HR organization more effective Managers and Employees can be much more in control of HR related requests by having direct access to Workday. Workday also enables HR to handle these requests in a much more efficient manner.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Manager Direct Access A Better Workday for Managers Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Summary Introduction to Manager Direct Access Manager Tasks: View, Review and Approve Manager Tasks: View, Review and Approve Navigations of how to perform Manager Tasks
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Introduction to Manager Direct Access Workday offers: Access to real-time data “My Team” Page for managers to access information related to their team Greater involvement in processes to initiate, approve and deny transactions as well as get notified on relevant business processes Access to view and track the progress of a review and approval action “Speed of Thought Navigation” that allows managers to be more productive and focused Access to information anytime and anywhere via their mobile devices Time conversion and time zone – functions and processes are associated with the user’s business site location and are effective at that time zone. Workday goes beyond the capabilities of traditional direct access solutions. It offers an intuitive interface for mangers to help them utilize relevant information and perform their jobs more effectively.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Manager Tasks: View, Review and Approve In the business processes initiated by employees or HR you may be involved as a Reviewer or an Approver. The following processes will require your action, i.e. review or approve. Correct Time Off Request Time Off Request Leave of Absence Request Return from Leave of Absence Manage Competencies Manage Certifications Create Job Requisition Change Job Job Requisition Change Request Delegation Change Termination * Manager Direct Access won’t be activated at the initial launch. The only exception is the Time Off transaction, which will be covered in later courses. Until further notice, managers should work with their local HR Representatives to initiate transactions on their behalf.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Approval or Review? options to send the process back to any step in the parent process including the Initiation step* send back accept the request, no changes required approve business process terminates - all Workday data that was changed as part of the business process up to that point would be restored deny Approval data related to the task received can be edited on the approval page review Review * If sending back, the comments section need to be completed to specify what should be updated and to what value.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit tasks/ actions notifications Inbox For your information Managing your Inbox Approve request Review step
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Accessing your Inbox In order to access your inbox you need to click on the icon next to your name and photo If there is a new item requiring your action the Inbox icon will indicate it.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Navigations of how to perform Manager Tasks Demo recording to be added here
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Data privacy A Better Workday for Managers Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Summary Handling sensitive data
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Handling sensitive data You need to ensure data accuracy while using Workday.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Handling sensitive data Support Support Employees and HR with their queries to effectively manage the approval process in Workday Review/Action Review/action all requests in a timely manner to support continual progression of process workflows and maintain accuracy Monitor Monitor your and Workday inbox daily. Double Check Ensure that you enter accurate data for employees – double check your keying Double Check Ensure that you enter accurate data for employees – double check your keying As Workday is the system of record for HR information, it is important to follow best practices to ensure data accuracy:
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Data Privacy – best practice Lock your computer using every time you walk away from your computer Ensure that your computer screen is not viewable by anyone from a distance Do not write down passwords Do not share your login credentials (Login ID, password) with anyone Never leave documents with confidential information on your desk or at the printer Do not leave sensitive data in a location that is easily accessible by others Use the shredder for all used documents
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Knowledge Checkpoint Which of the following options do you have when you receive an approval request in Workday? Select the correct option; then click Submit. a.Approval b.Deny c.Send Back d.All of the above All of the above
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Knowledge Checkpoint Which of the following statements is false? a. Work day will help you to take better business decisions through accurate, consistent and real-time human capital data b. Thanks to Workday delays in access to data can be eliminated. c. Workday will help you to eliminate the offline conversations with HR and your direct reports. d. In workday you can view dashboards for workforce planning, employee development, etc. c. Workday will help you to eliminate the offline conversations with HR and your direct reports.
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Knowledge Checkpoint Which of the following helps to ensure data privacy and handle sensitive data? a.Ensuring that your computer screen is not viewable by anyone from a distance b.Monitor your and Workday inbox daily c.Review/action all requests in a timely manner to support continual progression of process workflows and maintain accuracy d.All of the above
BackNext Page 1 of 30 Exit Summary You should be now able to: Explain a Manager role in Workday, Specify what is changing for the Managers and the expectations from them. What Manager Direct Access means and what type of functionalities it provides, Ensure Data Privacy