Communications AND TRAINING PLAN FOR [project] [date] This template provides an outline structure and suggestions for information to be included in each section. To be customized as appropriate for each project/solution Additional guidance is provided in red text within the slides
Content Introduction (Objectives, Scope, and Assumptions) Audiences Approach Plan Roles and Responsibilities
1. Objectives, Scope, and Assumptions Plan and deliver communications and training for xxx stakeholders for <<name of project and releases>> Achieve shared understanding of the activities, roles and responsibilities for <<project>> communications and training Summary of <<project and releases>> Release Date Summary Or include two short lists covering “in scope” and “out of scope” Assumptions <<e.g. A key user network will be established for <<project>>>> <<e.g. Key users will undertake testing and will provide support to users>>
2. Audiences Audiences for <<project>> Communications and Training The stakeholders identified in the stakeholder analysis are grouped into x audiences based on role and level of information needed. For example: <<Audience 1>>: Board-level, program, and project sponsorship <<Audience 2>>: Project-impacted users <<Audience 3>>: Those with a broader interest need for awareness <<Audience 1>> <<list the roles included>> <<Audience 2>> <<list the roles included>> <<Audience 3>> <<list the roles included>>
Customize the principles based on project need 3. Approach Customize the principles based on project need Principles Communications and training activities to support <<project>> will be: Pragmatic, using existing vehicles wherever possible Managed and delivered using the <<project>> common mailbox Delivered by the Process Owner, Key Users and Project Team (as agreed upon) Communications will focus on providing high-level orientation information Training will provide more detailed ‘how to’ guidance
3. Approach Communications Approach Training Approach For release x <<bullets to summarize the proposed/agreed-upon approach>> Training Approach For release x:
Objective / Key Messages Business Change Support Audiences to be updated for each project 4. Summary communicationsand Training Plan for <<project and release>> # Comms/ Training Event Status Delivery Date Objective / Key Messages Audience Owner Business Change Support A B C Date-Month-Quarter 1 User Update Done Email Confirm plans for training for 2.0 and 2.1 Confirm high-level content of releases 2.1 and 3.0 Planned outage on 11th Dec x Project Lead/ Process Owner TBC 2 Invitation to Open Session Confirm detailed scope posted in teamroom Explain go-live date change from 14th to 16th Dec 3 User Open Session ATandT Walkthrough how to sort/filter Opportunity for user questions 4 Newsletter Update Planned Newsletter Provide a summary update on project for general audience 5 Outage reminder Reminder of planned outage, [date] 6 Go-live Notice (2.1) Confirm go-live as planned Provide support etc info Reminder of training dates 7 Training Invite (2.0 and 2.1) Lotus Notes Invitation Email invitations for each session Include objectives, structure of session Process Owner/ Denise 8 Training Reminder Reminder/ arrangements Link to materials 9 Training Sessions Walkthrough role-based scenarios Including hands-on practice 10 Training Survey and Feedback Intranet survey via email Obtain participant feedback to improve training and understand additional needs
5. Communications and Training Roles and Responsibilities Summary of responsibilities directly related to <<project>> 5. Communications and Training Roles and Responsibilities Project Manager: <<enter name>> and Business Process Owner: <<enter name>> Provide key information for inclusion in communicationsand training (Develop and?) deliver planned communications and training activities IT Project Manager: <<enter name>> Provide IT-related key information for inclusion in communications and training e.g. Confirmation of agreed –upon IT requirements, delivery plan/dates etc.. Development Lead/SME: <<enter name>> Provide SME/Technical input to communications and training materials Business Change Management : <<enter name(s)>> Develop the approach and plans for <<project>> communications and training Support the Process Owner in the initial development delivery of communications and training Conduct handover to Process Owner Key User (Names/tbc) Cascade appropriate communications into their business Act as user representative e.g. For testing
Add actions with owners and due dates 6. Next Steps/Actions Add actions with owners and due dates Ref Activity Owner Due Date Notes